Monday, June 29, 2009

18 weeks!

According to thebump our baby is the size of a sweet potato as of today. Getting bigger and bigger as is my belly. Nothing exciting last week. Just lots of working from Abe and myself to save for this little baby. Got the first hospital bill.... yikes! We are so excited for Abe's sister Janett and her husband John to come visit us this weekend! We haven't seen them since their wedding in March and that was before we found out I'm pregnant so lots has changed since then.
The big ultrasound is a week from today! Still on the fence between boy and girl. Abe seems to think now that it's a girl. It's going to be a long week waiting to find out. Other than that I'm starting to have trouble sleeping through the night. I'm getting enough sleep but just tossing and turning a lot to get comfortable. And I was getting these afternoon headaches for a while but I haven't had any in about a week so hopefully they're gone. Next time I post will be telling you boy or girl!
ps hope you like the new haircut!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

We had a great father's day. Very relaxing. My dad was at a baseball game so I made breakfast for him and Abe before he left, we went for a hike with Jimmy Choo and then Abe and I just went home and relaxed the rest of the day. We're trying not to spend too much money to save up as much as we can before baby comes, but I had to get him something. I found this shirt that made me laugh. There's a picture of him in it below. To me, it signified that he is now a part of the dad club ;)
My 17 week belly pic is also below. I feel like there isn't much of a noticeable difference in the pics from the last few weeks but my belly is definitely starting to get a little harder and more like a pregnant belly instead of just a chubby belly. According to my baby is about the size of an onion this week. We'll be finding out if our little onion is a boy or a girl in just a couple weeks. We're so excited!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

16 weeks and Kassidy's graduation!

My little sister graduated from college this weekend! I remember helping her move in as a freshman when I was a senior and now here we are. Time has really flown by! I'm sure before I know it 22 years will fly by and it will be my child graduating from college, so I'm really trying to enjoy every moment.
I'm at 16 weeks now. In a little over 5 months I'm going to be a mom. It's starting to go fast. The first trimester seemed to move so slowly but the 2nd tri is going by so fast. I had my 16 week check up appt. today and everything's good. In 3 weeks we'll find out if it's a boy or a girl. What do you all think? Once I figure out how to put a poll on here I'll start one.
Nothing else to report. Enjoy the 16 week pic and some other grad pics!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

15 weeks!

A couple days late here sorry! We're almost to 4 months. It's going by fast! We scheduled a date for the big ultrasound, July 6th. So start your guessing now, boy or girl? This week I had my first comment from someone who didn't know I was pregnant and asked if I was. I guess I'm showing enough for people to be bold enough to ask. That's kind of nice. Not much else to report. I'm excited to be heading back to Santa Barbara this weekend to see my little sister graduate. To think that 3 years ago that was me and now here I am, homeowner, wife and soon-to-be mommy. Life has really happened fast!
Here's my 15 week belly pic! And Abe wanted to get in on the belly pic action too so here's his. Maybe he'll gain sympathy weight and his belly will actually grow ;)

Monday, June 1, 2009

14 weeks

I haven't posted a belly pic in 3 weeks because I keep forgetting to take them. But at least now I can see a big difference between week 11 and 14. We should find out if we're having a little princess or a little bball player in about a month. I'm at the point where most maternity clothes are too big and most of my regular clothes are too small. So most of the time I look pretty frumpy because there's not too many cute options. Please ignore the no makeup look. Yesterday was a lazy Sunday and not a stitch of makeup was worn ;)