According to thebump our baby is the size of a sweet potato as of today. Getting bigger and bigger as is my belly. Nothing exciting last week. Just lots of working from Abe and myself to save for this little baby. Got the first hospital bill.... yikes! We are so excited for Abe's sister Janett and her husband John to come visit us this weekend! We haven't seen them since their wedding in March and that was before we found out I'm pregnant so lots has changed since then.
The big ultrasound is a week from today! Still on the fence between boy and girl. Abe seems to think now that it's a girl. It's going to be a long week waiting to find out. Other than that I'm starting to have trouble sleeping through the night. I'm getting enough sleep but just tossing and turning a lot to get comfortable. And I was getting these afternoon headaches for a while but I haven't had any in about a week so hopefully they're gone. Next time I post will be telling you boy or girl!
ps hope you like the new haircut!