Not for me for her. Yes there is such a thing as a baby gym. I'm part of the local MOM's club and once a month they go to The Little Gym for a group activity. I've probably taken Farrah 5 out of the last 8 months and when we first went she wasn't even crawling yet so all she really did was just sit there and look around. I didn't see what all the fuss was. The past couple of times she's seemed to really enjoy it. Especially last Friday. When we first got there she did her usual freak out-clingy-are you leaving me hear? scream. She wouldn't let me put her down. So I sat down and let her climb all over me until she finally seemed like she recognized some of the play structures and took off. I couldn't comprehend that my clingy, seperation anxiety ridden baby would be on the opposite side of the gym playing not even wondering where I was.
So that got me thinking I should look into enrolling her into a class. Seeing her as happy and carefree as she was is worth all the money in the world. And then I saw how much it costs.... dang! It's just as expensive for her "gym membership" as it would be for both Abe and I to get a gym membership. Yikes! But luckily for me the more I work the more $ I make. "Will work for Farrah" is my new motto.
So that got me thinking I should look into enrolling her into a class. Seeing her as happy and carefree as she was is worth all the money in the world. And then I saw how much it costs.... dang! It's just as expensive for her "gym membership" as it would be for both Abe and I to get a gym membership. Yikes! But luckily for me the more I work the more $ I make. "Will work for Farrah" is my new motto.
I'm a find a way make a way kind of gal so I'll make it happen. I can't wait to post pics and videos from her first class that she's enjoying because of my hard work. For now I'll post some pics and videos from last Friday.
I apologize for the horrible quality of video and pics but I was using my phone. It just solidifies the fact that I need a new one. "Will work for a new phone" hehe.
And yes if you watched the last video until the end, I turned it off right when she gets trampled by a little boy. Tears ensued. I tried to give her some freedom and this is what happens ;)