Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Busy month ahead

Ok so this is another work related post so if you're only here for the cute baby, sorry! None of that in this post.
So an update. I have had such an awesome past few months in my business and it's a really exciting time for me because I'm in the qualification period to become a director with Mary Kay and earn my first car with Mary Kay. This has been my goal for a while now, but our need is so much greater now that it's like there was a switch that flipped in my brain that made me go from "flirting" with my goal to "marrying" it. haha. My car is 15 years old and my hubby's is 12. Not exactly spring chickens. Especially when you have a baby, you worry about a reliable car. So please pray for me (if you're the praying kind) during this qualification. I know we're going to get it done and I can't wait to be able to post pics of my new car on my blog :)
In conjunction with that, I have to say that Mary Kay is doing the most awesome promotion right now for the month of April called the Spring break promotion. You can start a Mary Kay business for just $50!!! Isn't that so cool! It's normally $100 so it's half price but you get all of the stuff in the full price kit which is over $400 worth of Mary Kay products! This is an absolute no brainer to me. $400 worth of the best skin care and color products on the market for $50?!? So if you have ever wanted to make a little extra money (or a lot), need a new car, more flexibility, or just a discount on your own products, now is the time! You can learn more on my website HERE
Feel free to email me if you want more information as well kristanaldjian@marykay.com
Pass this along to anyone you know that is looking for something and if they become an active consultant you will get $100 in free product for referring them to me!
The thing I most love about this promotion is there is absolutely nothing to lose. If you give it a try and you hate it, you still got $400 worth of products for $50 and you can just stop. But if you love it, who knows, maybe you'll be blogging about your new free car too :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

16 months

This is her signal for "all done." If she's done with a toy, or food or whatever she puts her hands up like this. Apparently she'd made a big enough mess and was "all done." :) She already knows when we have a camera in our hands to smile... what a ham! Her first time walking on the grass... what a pro!

Enjoying the beautiful weather this weekend at the park.

that bear security blanket is her new best friend.... I couldn't even take it from her before going on the swing... so the bear went along

eating some of mommy's sandwhich at Quiznos... well really just picking it apart, not eating it.

I guess 16 months was the magic number for Miss Farrah to start walking. I thought for sure a several weeks ago when she took her first steps she would take off from there... not so much. But about a week ago she just started walking all over the place. It's adorable because she takes off and gets this big ol' grin on her face because she's so proud of herself. I am so proud of her too. I was thinking it would be more difficult but it's actually easier (at least for now it is). She was already into everything before, she was just crawling. Now she's excited about walking so she's much more easily entertained and she can entertain herself much more easily.

16 months also marks another new phase. The "I am no longer a big eater" phase. She used to eat whatever we gave her. And now, if it's not a carb or a banana she won't eat it. I'm trying to cleverly sneak in some veggies and have tried veggie juice (which she actually will take), sweet potato fries which she refused (I was shocked, who doesn't love those?), butternut squash soup (she ate some, but not much.) I know they say just don't give her anything if she doesn't eat what you give her. The problem is she won't give in and eat it. She just won't eat and I can't starve the kid. I'm hoping it's just another one of her phases. We'll see! Here are some fun recent pics of her. She loves the swing at the park and this time she was able to walk around on the grass at the park. I just adore her. But really, who wouldn't? :)