We've made it to V day (viability day). Basically that means that if the baby would be born today she would have a chance of making it (obviously with a lot of medical help and probably a lot of medical problems.) But I don't want her to get any ideas.... she needs to cook a lot longer in there.
I took my gestational diabetes test yesterday so hopefully we'll get good news on that soon. I had an interesting check up yesterday. When I got there, the medical assistant told me "I see you have an appt. with Elektra right after this." I was confused and thought she meant the diabetes test so I said "you mean at the lab?" and she said "no it's here." So I asked my midwife what it was and she said "hmmmm... they must have seen something and flagged your file. Don't get worried or anything." So, of course, I immediately worry because I still don't know what's going on and was never even told about this appointment. So I go back to the lab to have my blood drawn, then head back upstairs to meet with this "Elektra."
I meet with her in the office and she explains to me that she's a social worker who works in the hospital with expectant mothers and she wanted to ask me a few questions about my life and my pregancy. (ummmmm... ok.) And she proceeds to ask me lots of questions about my history, asking about any previous drinking or drug use. Umm does an occasional margarita (pre pregnancy of course) count? Any history of depression, does my husband beat me? All kinds of questions that are things I always check the "no" box to when filling out forms.
So at the end she was like "ok well I don't think we'll be needing to meet again." Ummm yeah I could've told you that! I have no idea why my file was flagged. All I know is they better not charge me for this!
I'm just happy that our baby girl is ok. When I didn't know what was going on I thought something was wrong. But she's doing great!
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