Mastering her tummy time!

Where does the time go? She's like a little person now!

Farrah's crazy Mommy... Farrah's representing Mommy and Daddy's Alma Mater... Go Gaucho's!

While the last thing a new mom needs is someone giving them unsolicited advice, I thought I'd write a few things down that no one could have possibly explained to me but I learned along the way. If you're a new mom, I hope it helps, but if not, don't sweat it... you've got enough to think about. If you have been a mom for a long time now, I hope it brings back some memories from when you were a rookie. And if you've never been a mom, I hope, if nothing else, it bring a smile to your face.
1. The craziness of the beginning goes away I promise. I almost forget what those first few weeks were even like because it's so different now. At the time I thought "what the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks did I get myself into?" But now I can't imagine life without this little girl. For many of you that had to be in my presence those first several weeks, I sincerely apologize. I looked a hot mess, I was snapping at people, I basically just wanted to go into my room and have someone else deal with it because I didn't think I could take anymore of it. I tell you this because it's the honest truth. Anyone that says those first few weeks are amazing and you have such a great time with your baby are lying. You're exhausted and you smell (showers are few and far between). But when you start to get into a groove, baby starts sleeping more (which in turn means you're sleeping more), the # of people in and out of your house dies down, and you start to learn about who your baby is as a person instead of just a eating, puking, pooping machine, you truly fall in love.
2. Speaking of falling in love, it is totally normal if you don't feel an instant connection with your baby as soon as they are born. It was a strange feeling for me looking at my baby when they first placed her on my chest knowing that she was my daughter and yet I didn't feel a connection. Ask me that question now and I'd tell you a totally different story. The best way I can describe it is your relationship with your best friend. When you first met them, did you feel an instant love? Probably not. You had to learn who they are first. Don't get me wrong, I felt love for her, but it took spending my days with her to learn who she is and fall head over heels in love with her.
3. It's ok to stick them on their play mat, or in their bouncer, or in front of their favorite Baby Einstein DVD (side note, pick up "Calm Baby" it saved my life!) for a few minutes every now and then. My husband has watched her for extended periods of time when I've been working or what not and when I come back he always says "I don't know how you get anything done besides watch her!" You have to be ok with letting them play on their play mat alone (by alone I mean me not laying there with her. She's still in my line of vision so no calls to CPS please.) while I do dishes or quickly vacuum. If I didn't do that he's right, nothing would get done. It's ok... they're fine!
4. Lastly, RELAX! Easier said than done I know but I think that's what's kept us sane and out of divorce court ;) If the house is a little messy, I know we'll get to it. If someone else who has offered to watch her is doing things a little differently than I would, let it go. There are so many things that are out of your hands that are inevitably going to stress you out when you have a baby so why get worked up over the little things. I think we did the same thing when planning our wedding and it made things so much easier.
The way I feel about that little girl is absolutely indescribable. I would do anything for her and I can't believe that a mere 5 months ago she wasn't even a part of my life (well sort of but you know what I mean.) And now here we are and she is my life. Crazy, huh?
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