Saturday, June 19, 2010


Without being a Debbie Downer... this week has been almost more than I can handle... and yet here I am, Saturday afternoon and the week is almost over and I'm still here. I survived. Farrah has decided that she no longer thinks 7:45pm-7am is an appropriate sleep schedule for nighttime and has instead replaced it with 9pm-5:30am. She has taught herself how to use the railings on the crib to flip herself over onto her stomach. At first she hated it and would cry (you would think she would learn not to keep doing it but no), but now she thinks it's a pretty fun game so she'll flip herself over and laugh and then I come to flip her back over again and she smiles her big toothy smile (yes we have 2 bottom teeth!) and the process repeats itself all over again.
My Mom-in-love made Farrah the most adorable sundress and matching hat. When I opened the package my jaw dropped because I had no idea what a talented seamstress she was! ps mom if you want to start your own little side business let me know because I have 2 whole blog followers so I could take care of all of your advertising with this blog alone ;) We took pics of the dress and then had Farrah try it on and it's a little big still but will be perfect for those really hot days we get here in August and September!
As if this post couldn't get anymore scattered, I'd like to close with a line from my new favorite song by Francesca Battistelli called "It's your life"
"It's your life, whatcha gonna do? The world is watching you. Everyday the choices you make say what you are and who your heart beats for. It's an open door. It's your life."

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Life update

In case you were wondering what's new with us since I've been somewhat of an M.I.A. blogger recently here goes:
I'm still doing weight watchers although with everything else we have going on I promised myself I would get started because I was tired of being large and not so in charge after having Farrah, but not go over the top and be too stressed about losing a lot of weight quickly. I just wanted some guidelines and some accountability.
Here is a picture from my wedding 10/08

And here I am Easter of this year

Not quite where I want to be. And for some reason at my wedding I felt like I was nowhere near where I wanted to be with my weight and now here I am wishing I was back to that weight. I started weight watchers a couple months ago and have lost 8 lbs. Not bad considering I really haven't been exercising on purpose (aka carrying Farrah around and going up and down the stairs all day long.) It's going to be a slow process and I guess I'm ok with that... just wish I had more clothes I could fit into!
Abe got a job for the summer since he obviously won't be teaching. He will be working in the office at the DJ company he DJ's for on the weekends. I'm really excited about this because I know how much he loves that company and the people that work there and although I know he's not an office kind of guy or a 9-5 kind of guy he will make an exception for this company because they're fabulous! If you're in the Bay area look them up
We're staying positive that things will turn around and teachers will be in demand again but it's nice to know that he has this job as a Plan B.
I am still working it with my Mary Kay business ;) I can't wait to put Farrah's car seat in my new Chevy Malibu that I will be done qualifying for in a couple months! Not to mention I can't wait to go to the dealership for my car party with my team to pick up my free car and just sit in it and stare at it. That will be a great day.... until then I should get back to work ;) Check me out at
Ok I guess I'm done shamelessly plugging both of our businesses ;) Here's a cute pic of Farrah in here Polo dress... what a fashionista!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Half a year

How has it already been 6 months since my little ball of joy came into our lives? And yet, strangely, part of me feel like I can't believe she's only been in my life for 6 months (well + 9 months in the belly but you know what I mean.) I will warn you there were so many cute pictures during the 6 month photo shoot that I am bombarding you with pictures... you have been warned. She's still only rolled over about 3 times (that I've seen anyways) and she can't quite sit up on her own just yet. She likes to take her sweet time I guess. No rush! She's still sleeping through the night and her naps are hit or miss so she keeps her mama very busy during the day! I don't want to say she's brought so much happiness to our lives because it's not like we didn't already have so much to be happy about, but she has brought more joy than I could have ever imagined possible.

Tried to get her to sit up but she's not quite there yet. At least with no support.

She's really sturdy though if there's some support!

Her blank stares say so much!

"Yeah I'm cute... deal with it!"

GQ baby pose

happy girl!

get a load of those chubby cheeks and legs!

The prettiest eyes I've ever seen... and it's not just because I'm her mommy!