Without being a Debbie Downer... this week has been almost more than I can handle... and yet here I am, Saturday afternoon and the week is almost over and I'm still here. I survived. Farrah has decided that she no longer thinks 7:45pm-7am is an appropriate sleep schedule for nighttime and has instead replaced it with 9pm-5:30am. She has taught herself how to use the railings on the crib to flip herself over onto her stomach. At first she hated it and would cry (you would think she would learn not to keep doing it but no), but now she thinks it's a pretty fun game so she'll flip herself over and laugh and then I come to flip her back over again and she smiles her big toothy smile (yes we have 2 bottom teeth!) and the process repeats itself all over again.
My Mom-in-love made Farrah the most adorable sundress and matching hat. When I opened the package my jaw dropped because I had no idea what a talented seamstress she was! ps mom if you want to start your own little side business let me know because I have 2 whole blog followers so I could take care of all of your advertising with this blog alone ;) We took pics of the dress and then had Farrah try it on and it's a little big still but will be perfect for those really hot days we get here in August and September!
As if this post couldn't get anymore scattered, I'd like to close with a line from my new favorite song by Francesca Battistelli called "It's your life"
"It's your life, whatcha gonna do? The world is watching you. Everyday the choices you make say what you are and who your heart beats for. It's an open door. It's your life."
these are my new farrah pics of all time...she is such a happy baby!!! she looks so much like abe, but also like you too, it's weird/awesome!!! ahhh i can't wait to see her again....she is getting so big!! i'm glad you survived this week, and i liked the scattered post :) and that outfit is rockin, i'd totally buy from maryellen's munchkin materials, haha!