Monday, July 19, 2010

7 months

At 7 months Farrah:
Weighs about 19 lbs.
Height is 27 inches
Wears size 3 diapers
Can sit unsupported for the most part. What she doesn't know is that she has limits. She sees something 5 feet away and will reach for it and then fall. But she doesn't usually fall otherwise. Isn't it amazing what limitless, big thinkers babies and kids are. They don't know any different so they just try.
Her 2 bottom teeth are all the way in. Her 2 top ones must be coming in soon because she's teething like crazy.
She loves to flip on to her stomach. And now she likes to flip on to her stomach and then immediately turn back onto her back just because she can.
Takes 2 naps a day. Usually one shorter morning nap and one long afternoon nap. And lucky for us she sleeps from about 8:30pm until about 7am.
Loves her puppy and lights up when she sees him, but doesn't quite no what to make of the cats yet. They pretty much ignore her anyway.
Loves going for walks in the baby bjorn. It's been too hot lately but hopefully we can take her out again soon.
Has strong legs, might be standing soon.
Not crawling which is frustrating to her. You can tell she wants to move but can't.
Lights up when one of us comes in to get her after she wakes up in the morning or after a nap.
Likes to turn the pages when we read... just not necessarily at the right time or in the right direction.
That's pretty much all I can think of for now. Oh and I kind of think she's the cutest 7 month old I've ever seen. Does that count for one of my facts?

Ughhh I give up

I give up on trying to blog everything in a timely manner. Finally today I decided I was going to get up at 5:30 just so I could get this entry done before Farrah wakes up. I am dedicated people. I hope you really enjoy this post because I'm sure at about 3pm I'm going to find my eyelids closing on their own accord.
Speaking of getting up early, I've been trying to get up earlier everyday for a while now. It seems like there are so many things that need to get done that don't unless I get up early to do them.
I feel like I need to get something off my chest so I'll vent to the internet world I suppose. Abe has been working a lot... like seriously a lot. Tuesdays are his days off and sometimes he gets Sundays off but M, W, Th, F he leaves here at about 8:30 and doesn't get back until 7pm and Saturday he DJ's so he leaves about noon and doesn't get back until sometimes 1am or even later. I so appreciate everything he does for our family. He does love his job so that makes me feel a little better.
Here's the problem.... I work too! Everyone's always making comments like "I hear Abe has been working a lot." or "How's Abe doing? Seems like he's been working quite a bit lately!" It's starting to get to me because, I have so much respect for stay-at-home moms and how much they do for their kids on a daily basis. For the most part, I feel like I am one, but I also have a home business that I run, and at the moment am trying to build up so I can promote myself. I do not stop moving from the moment I wake up until the moment my head hits the pillow. I am either tending to Farrah and all the things that come along with being home with a 7-month old, picking up the disaster of a house that comes along with a 7-month old, or if I'm not doing one of those things, I am on the phone, returning emails, doing a networking event, doing a facial in my dining room while Farrah's sleeping, doing one with a baby on my hip if she decides not to sleep. And the moment Abe gets home I'm out the door to do whatever work related things need to get done outside of my front door. I don't have time for TV. I'm lucky if I can catch one of my favorite half hour shows while I'm doing dishes and laundry and shoveling some food into my mouth. So, while this may come across as a bit forward, I FRIGGIN WORK PEOPLE!!!
:::Steps off soapbox and back into reality:::
So I'm sure you stopped into my blog because you wanted to see cute baby pictures and I'll give them to you. But I'll make a separate post for those because I don't find it appropriate to now include smiley, happy baby pictures after my tirade. Thanks for putting up with me people!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

So many things to catch up on

Some day soon I'll be able to post more often so I don't have a mile long blog entry to try and fill you in on our lives for the past few weeks. It's 11:30pm on July 4th and I can't sleep. It's a combination of the obnoxious people setting off fire crackers and fireworks that sound like bombs going off in my backyard, and the dog freaking out because of it. Hopefully it dies down soon... I'm exhausted. Farrah is officially 7 months although I won't mention much about that or include her 7 month pictures because I'll make a separate post about that to give it all the attention it deserves. I don't think I mentioned Father's Day yet (that's how bad of a blogger I've been.) These pictures of Farrah and her daddy are from Father's Day...that's right Father's Day. I do realize it's now July 4th. Maybe by the time Labor day rolls around I'll have some July 4th pictures and stories for you. In the meantime here's how Abe's first Father's day went. As you can see from the pictures they got all dressed up and matching to have their pictures unprofessionally taken my me. They weren't going anywhere, just wanted to look snazzy for their pictures. Although Abe did get to DJ a Father's day party at a Country club later that day. He had to work in the afternoon and evening so I made sure to make our morning fun. I cooked breakfast (weight watchers recipe woot woot) and since we're trying to save money Farrah and I made his present. I know that's all he would want anyway. I decided to stamp Farrah's hand and foot prints on a piece of cardstock and write "Happy Father's Day 2010" on it and have it framed. Sounds simple enough but to try to make it more special, I thought I would video tape the whole process. So when he was at work, I set up the video camera and sat down with Farrah on the floor to try to stamp her hands and feet. Jimmy Choo came over to try to "help" but was getting in the way and trying to lick the ink. Then just as we were about to start I caught a whif of something special and smelled Farrah's bumm and realized she had pooped. I started cracking up in the video because I realized that this is our lives. Dog in the way, kid poops, then tries to eat the paper upon which we're trying to make the "perfect" gift for daddy. I didn't know it at the time but when I got up to turn off the video camera, Farrah's poop had made it's way onto my lap... HOT!
Sometimes life seems so crazy I want to cry and sometimes it seems so crazy I have to laugh.... it seems that I'm finding more and more reasons to laugh.