At 7 months Farrah:
Weighs about 19 lbs.
Height is 27 inches
Wears size 3 diapers
Can sit unsupported for the most part. What she doesn't know is that she has limits. She sees something 5 feet away and will reach for it and then fall. But she doesn't usually fall otherwise. Isn't it amazing what limitless, big thinkers babies and kids are. They don't know any different so they just try.
Her 2 bottom teeth are all the way in. Her 2 top ones must be coming in soon because she's teething like crazy.
She loves to flip on to her stomach. And now she likes to flip on to her stomach and then immediately turn back onto her back just because she can.
Takes 2 naps a day. Usually one shorter morning nap and one long afternoon nap. And lucky for us she sleeps from about 8:30pm until about 7am.
Loves her puppy and lights up when she sees him, but doesn't quite no what to make of the cats yet. They pretty much ignore her anyway.
Loves going for walks in the baby bjorn. It's been too hot lately but hopefully we can take her out again soon.
Has strong legs, might be standing soon.
Not crawling which is frustrating to her. You can tell she wants to move but can't.
Lights up when one of us comes in to get her after she wakes up in the morning or after a nap.
Likes to turn the pages when we read... just not necessarily at the right time or in the right direction.
That's pretty much all I can think of for now. Oh and I kind of think she's the cutest 7 month old I've ever seen. Does that count for one of my facts?
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