I can't believe she's been an outside baby as long as she was an inside baby. Here's what's new with Miss Farrah Lynn
She weighs about 22 lbs.
Not sure how long she is, it's been a while since we last measured her.
She goes to sleep around 8:30 and wakes up between 6:30-7. With 2 naps, each about an hour and a half
Her 2 bottom teeth are all the way in and her Dr. pointed out to me that her 2 top fangs are starting to come in. Should look pretty funny when those come in before her 4 teeth in the top front.
She can now get from laying down to a seated position on her own.
To get where she wants to go she usually rolls or tries to pull herself if she's close enough.... still no crawling.
She has "conversations" with herself. Her favorites consist of yayayaya, babababa and dadadada.
She's trying to pull herself up on things but isn't quite there yet, soon though.
She loves water. Bath time, pool time, fountains... you name it, she loves it.
She has about 4 bottles per day and 3-4 "meals." So far she still loves sweet potatoes the best.
Pulling mommies hair and ears is her new favorite past time... exhibit A the 2nd picture from the bottom.
She loves to chew on wet rags, shake rattles, is very intrigued by remotes, loves reading books, and going for walks either in the baby bjorn or stroller.
That's pretty much 9 month old Farrah in a nutshell. She's amazing.
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