Wednesday, January 26, 2011

B is for busy

Which we have definitely been recently. I hate that blogging has taken a back seat but it's for a good! haha I've been busy with my business so I haven't been able to keep up with some things and this is one of them. I do apologize.
Here are some pictures from the holidays that I never posted.
We decided against a Christmas tree this year so instead we decorated our pack n' play and put the presents around it. Our dog Jimmy Choo is in the pic too.... smile Jimmy!

Farrah opening a few of her presents

but really the wrapping paper was her favorite part.... "books for Christmas?" lol

This kid loooovvvees her some puppets. So of course I went all around town looking for puppets. Those things aren't easy to find. Target, Kohls, Babys R Us, and Tuesday morning didn't have any. I finally found a couple at the Toys R us one town over and of course, she doesn't even like them that much. Oh well I tried.

Then for New Years we went to Arizona to visit with Abe's Dad. I didn't get too many pictures with our camera but we did get some good ones of the fam with my sister-in-laws camera so pics to follow. There was a good one of Farrah and I on New Years eve though. She went to bed at her normal time and we ended up going to bed around 10:45 because we were exhausted. I feel so old saying that. The first couple nights she didn't sleep well because of being in a new place so we were up several times the first couple nights. This is my "I know it's 7:30pm on New Years Eve but I'm exhausted, is it too early to go to bed?" face.

Just to give you all a heads up, I'm going to start posting every once in a while with fun things regarding my business. Makeup tips, new product info, etc. So if you're only here to see pictures of the baby... well then, don't read them I guess.

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