A few days late on this one. I've really been slacking on taking pictures. It's like, her first 6 months there was always a camera in my hands, the next 6 months when she did something cute I grabbed my cell phone and used the camera to take a quick pic, and now I don't even know where my camera is. This pic is one of the few I have taken recently and it is one of my new faves. Her face just melts my heart. She is such a sweet little girl.
I can't believe my little itsy bitsy peanut that came home from the hospital is now 14 months. Here's what's new with Miss 14-month-old Farrah:
-Still not walking on her own, although she walks all over if we're holding her hands, if she's got her little push cart toy, or if she's holding on to some piece of furniture. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before she is.
-Lucky for us she never took a pacifier so we don't have to go through the process of getting her off of one. As soon as she turned one we started weaning her off the bottle and we did it relatively quickly so I'm proud to say we are a bottle free family!
-No more formula either, only whole cow's milk. She doesn't particularly love it or hate it. She'll drink a little bit, but doesn't seem to enjoy it as much as her formula.
-Loves these mini cheese raviolis I get from Trader Joe's. I have to limit them to a 2-3 times per week. She would have them every meal if I offered it. Also loves bananas, puff cereal, sweet potatoes, apples with peanut butter, yogurt, carrot juice (but not carrots), peas, corn and turkey meatballs. She's a good eater. Definitely her dad's kid (who am I kidding, I love to eat too!)
-Sleeps from about 8pm-6:30 everyday with a 2 hour nap from about 12:30-2:30.
-Says mama, sometimes dada, and pretty much everything else is "ca" or "ga" or somewhere in between the two. We started several months ago pointing to our cats and saying "cat" and then she caught on and started pointing and saying "ca" and so now everything is "ca." I hoping she starts learning other words soon. "Ca" is starting to get old.
-She knows where her eyes, mouth, nose and toes are and if you ask her to point to them she will.
-Loves to read, loves our walks to the park followed by the swing at the park.
A funny story to sum up what a big girl she has become...
We decided to put Farrah in a home daycare one day a week. We felt she needed the socialization because she would cry non-stop when I would leave and I didn't want my kid to be "that kid." Plus it's allowing me one extra day to work and right now we need the $ so I figured I would be willing to sacrifice one day a week with my baby if it meant she would become more independent and I could contribute to our income. So I found a mom through my mom's club that does a home daycare. She's very nice and Thursday's she only has 2 other babies close in age to Farrah so I thought Thursday's would be perfect. Last Thursday was her first day. We were starting her with only a partial day instead of a full day to ease her into it. I always hear from working moms what a hard time they have going back to work and here I am so fortunate that I can make this choice and it's only one day a week and yet I was still a little sad about it. I knew she's be fine I was just going to miss her. So Thursday morning comes and Abe drops her off because I had a facial scheduled (probably better that way so I didn't turn into a hot mess when I had to leave). He said she did fine and he was able to sneak out without her noticing. I go to pick her up about 4 1/2 hours later and expect her to squeal with delight when she sees me and come crawling over, and instead when I walk in I see her sitting on the floor with 2 other babies playing with some toys and she looks up and sees me and then looks back down and continues playing as if I wasn't even there. Can you believe that? Here I was worrying that she was having a meltdown the whole time I was gone and she didn't even notice my presence or lack thereof!
All I could do was laugh. I guess we are doing something right. What an independent, smart, little toddler she's turning into. I love her love her love her.
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