Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rough patch

We've been going through some interesting (to put it kindly) times with Farrah.  She is one of the sweetest, most intelligent, caring little 2 year olds I've ever seen, but recently she's really kicked up her terrible twos a notch or 2 (or 10).  She will be fine one second, then for no reason at all, be throwing a tantrum.  Sometimes ignoring works, sometimes it doesn't.  Sometimes time outs work, sometimes they don't.  I can handle the tantrums for the most part, but what I'm having the most difficulty with is how she's been treating her daddy.  This phase has gone on for at least a month now, where she is latching on to me really tight and just being down right mean to my poor hubby. 
Common phrases I've been hearing from Farrah are as follows:
"No daddy, I want mommy!"  "Daddy, go to work!" "Daddy, leave me alone!", and "No, mommy do it!" (anytime daddy tries to do anything with her.  It breaks my heart.  I can't imagine how hard it is for him to hear those things.  It may have something to do with the new baby on the way, not sure.  All I know is I'm over it.  I repeatedly tell her it's not ok to talk to daddy that way.  I tell her I'll ignore her until she says sorry to daddy and starts behaving. Nothing seems to be getting through to her though.  Anyone else gone through this?  I'm trying to not get frustrated, but it's hard when nothing I do seems to work and we are still in the thick of this phase and it seems like there's no end in sight.
I remember when I used to babysit several years ago for a 2 year old girl and a 4 year old boy.  The girl was always sweet except when it came time for her mommy to leave.  She would start screaming and would hit me and scratch me as her mommy walked out the door.  Yikes!  I always thought something was wrong with the kid.  And the boy... double yikes!  I didn't watch him as often because he was in preschool but he would get mean with his tantrums and the final straw was when we were outside playing and I told him it was time to come back inside and he refused and threw a tantrum.  When I went to put him on the stair for a timeout he spit on me.  I quit that day.  Too much for me I guess.  Now here I am with my own toddler and while thankfully she's no where near that bad, I do have more sympathy for that mom.  It's easy to just put the kids into the category of brats and the mom into the category of bad mom, but at the end of the day, I would say most moms want the best for their kids and want them to be polite, contributing members of society, and are doing the best they can.  They are, in fact, raising toddlers.  If we survive we should all applaud each other for making it through. 

1 comment:

  1. Toddlerhood is tough, no doubt about it. Keep up with what your doing. As long as she's not getting away with the undesirable behavior, it will sink in eventually. Unfortunately that doesn't make it any easier for you in the meantime...best of luck! Hope you get some good advice out there.
