Saturday, September 15, 2012

Pregnancy hormones

Up until recently, I didn't think I'd fallen victim to the stereotypical pregnancy hormones that can overtake you during the emotional roller costar that is the 9 months of pregnancy.  But it all came crashing down this week.  Multiple instances, multiple reasons, no reason at all, a whole litany of emotions have overtaken me this week.  My poor husband!  It started this week on a day where Farrah had preschool, then my wonderful friend picked her up for me and took her back to her house, then my other friend picked her up and took over for a while until it was pretty much Farrah's bedtime.  When she got back and I was getting her into bed, I felt so bad that I had gone the whole day without seeing her and then it hit me like a ton of bricks.... things are never going to be the same as they were before.  When I found out I was pregnant, I thought I had 9 months of quality time with my sweet girl before things permanently changed, but because of complications, I can't be the same mom as I was before and spend the same amount of time with just the 2 of us until I'm done with this pregnancy, and well, when I'm done with this pregnancy I will have a new baby to look after too.  The tears started flowing..... and I couldn't stop.  Even typing this makes my eyes well up.  Hard to imagine a life different than the one I've created with this family of 3 over the past few years.  But I remind myself that before Farrah came along I had no idea how it was going to work and now I can't imagine my life without her.  Now I'm faced with the same thing.  I don't know how I'll juggle both kids on top of the rest of my life but I have faith it will come together like it did last time.
Ohhhh... and then there was my crying fit after watching an episode of Keeping up with the Kardashian's.  That's what made me think maybe my hormones are just kicking in :)  That and maybe a little bit of cabin fever. I'm realizing that maybe I was much more of a controlling person than I realized, and when put in a situation where I lack control of pretty much every aspect of my life for the next few months might be getting to me more than I realized it would.  God must be teaching me a lesson.  In fact, I know He is, and I just have to take it in.  I never doubt things will work out.  I'm an eternal optimist in that way, I just like to control things in the mean time :)  Guess that won't be happening in the mean time. 
In other news, I've completely slacked on my pregnancy updates and pictures this time around so here are a few tidbits to tide you over:

  • How far along?  28 weeks

    • How big is baby? Putting on layers of fat, your baby now weighs in around 1.5 to 2.5 pounds and measures about 13.6 to 14.8 inches.
    • Total weight gain: As of my last Dr.'s appt I'm up about 18 lbs.
    • Maternity clothes? yep, maternity pants, some maternity some regular shirts and dresses.  But I mostly wear my hubby's oversized shirts and basketball shorts.  Who needs to look cute when you're laying around the house all day?
    • Stretch marks? No new ones.  I got quite a few on my belly last time around so I'm hoping that between not gaining as much this time and slathering some cream on my belly I won't make it worse.  
    • Sleep: sleeping good, getting up once or twice a night to pee, but able to fall right back to sleep and sleep comfortably.
    • Best moment this week:  My conversations with Farrah.  I never thought I would enjoy conversation with a preschooler but she has had so much to say recently and I just want to take it all in.
    • Miss Anything?  Being active.  Strangely, cooking and cleaning!  I'm realizing now how valuable I really am to this household.  I guess I did a lot more than I realized. 
    • Movement:  I have a feeling we're in trouble with this little boy.  He is sooo active.  Even from as early as 20 weeks people were able to feel him kicking from the outside very strongly.  Even the nurses in the hospital during my stays have commented on how much he moves.  You don't have to tell me!  I'm the one that feels it all day. 
    • Food cravings:  Haven't had many cravings.  Just kind of eating whatever at this point.  Whatever hubby cooks, whatever people have brought by the house.  Can't be picky! :)  But I do want to drink cold water pretty much all day long.
    • Food aversions: nothing really.... that stage ended a while ago.
    • Gender: Definitely a boy.  After several ultrasounds now we were able to get the proof we wanted.
    • Labor Signs: Nothing this week thankfully.  Just hoping it stays that way for a while. 
    • Symptoms: Starting to feel much more pregnant.  Some lower back pain.  It's much more of an effort getting up and laying down.
    • Belly Button in or out? In!  Don't think it will pop out.  Didn't with the last pregnancy.
    • Wedding rings on or off? On! Which is a major accomplishment considering last time I had to stop wearing them about half way through the pregnancy and couldn't get them back on for about a year and a half after she was born.
    • Looking forward to:  32 week ultrasound.  At that point they'll be able to tell me if the placenta has moved and I'll be able to deliver naturally around 40 weeks or if it hasn't and I'll have to have a C-section around 36 weeks.  Kind of a big difference in my book.

    • Milestones/what's going on inside: Just making it another week!  Everyday I know he's getting stronger and stronger and I'm grateful.  Keep cooking little man!

    1 comment:

    1. Praying for you Krista! Hang in there. I know how you feel but you are right, God will work it all out and you'll be a pro at 2 kids in no time. Glad you're getting your needed rest and that little man is healthy and wiggly ;)
