Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day

So I went with my dad this weekend to visit my aunt and cousins way up north in the smallest town you could imagine. I haven't been in a while to visit so I spontaneously decided to go with him. He always likes to go to the lake there but I will never forget the winding road it takes to get up there which I'm sure would be magnified times a thousand now that I'm pregnant.
So I pretty much just hung out with the fam. I felt bad eating so much of their food but I can't go for more than 2 hours now without eating something.... it's pretty bad. People noticed I'm starting to show a little bit. Even my dad said something. I'd like to think it's not just me getting fat because it's concentrated in my belly but I think it's too early to start to show.
In other news Jimmy Choo was sick last week. I took him to the vet and they gave him some fluids so now he's much better. But they told me he needs to go on a diet. Apparently we've been feeding him way too much and he's gone from 17 lbs when we got him to 21.5 lbs in about 3 months! That's really bad! I guess it's sympathy weight ;)

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