Friday, May 1, 2009

My mom's so excited!

A few days ago, me, Abe, and my mom went to Babies R Us. My mom really wanted to go look at all the baby stuff. It was so cute to see how excited she was. We looked at travel systems and I found one I liked and she was pushing it around the store "for practice." Then she said she wanted to buy it for us. Of course we're grateful but I'm only 10.5 weeks. I think it's a little early to be buying strollers.
We have our first ultrasound next Tuesday in the afternoon. I'll be 11.5 weeks then, unless they tell me otherwise, so I'll feel comfortable telling everyone after that. So many people know anyways because our families were so excited they couldn't keep it to themselves. But there are quite a few friends who don't know. How do you go about telling everyone? It's awkward to call up a friend who you don't see very often and say "hey I'm pregnant." But is it even more awkward to put a posting on facebook saying "hey everyone I'm pregnant!" I don't know I guess I'll see when the time comes.

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