I can't believe when we found out we were expecting it was March and it's already almost August! Where has time gone? Before we know it, our baby girl is going to be here. We've started working on the nursery this past week. Abe did his manly duties of painting the room while I "supervised" (from downstairs of course so as not to breathe in the fumes.) We decided not to do pink so we went with a pale blue that's in the bedding and I think it turned out really nice.
By next week we'll have some pictures of the furniture in there and the bedding in the crib. Slowly but surely we'll get it to how we want it.
In other news, we're going camping next week so we'll have some fun stories to share I'm sure. There's not a whole lot I can do, but I can sure play some games and eat some s'mores! Enjoy this week's belly pic and some pics of Abe working on the nursery!