Sorry for the delay. This baby has been keeping us busy and she's not even here yet! Here are some updates:
How far along? As of last Sunday when I should've updated 21 weeks.
Total weight gain/loss:As of my last dr.'s appt. 11 lbs.
How big is baby?: 12 oz.
Maternity clothes? They're all I can wear.
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: Eh, a little uncomfortable. I'm used to sleeping on my back, but now I'm trying to make sure I sleep on my side like the books all say. Frequent tossing and turning.
Best moment this week: Feeling her kick and knowing for sure that's what it is. She hasn't stopped since then!
Movement: I mostly feel her when I'm laying down. She likes to wait until I'm almost asleep and then... whack!
Food cravings: Taco bell... not the healthiest I know. Also, strangely, bacon. This coming from a once vegetarian.
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: No, and it better stay that way for at least 17 more weeks!
Belly Button in or out? Innie still.
What I miss: A good margarita
What I am looking forward to: Finally "popping." I don't feel like my belly looks like a pregnant belly yet.
Milestones: Being able to feel our little mover and shaker moving around in there. Even being kicked hard reminds me she's there and she's ok.
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