Sorry for the delay! I've been informed that some have come to expect a monday or tuesday update so I do apologize. I wish I had more to say and/or more time to say it because I would update everyday!
This past monday we started our childbirth classes, although I believe this should fall under my update for next week so more to come on that then.
I had a dr.'s appt. last week and the scale was not kind to me. I've gained too much weight at the last couple appts. so I'm trying to be more conscious of what I'm eating. It's hard because many of you know I have a sweet tooth, so add pregnancy on top of that and it's easy to go overboard. I'm not too worried and the dr. didn't seem too worried either but she said to take it easy this month so that's what I'm trying to do. More protein, less carbs and sweets. That should keep me fuller longer. This little girl is sucking a lot out of me! I eat and I'm hungry an hour later!
We had a long weekend this past weekend. Abe DJ'd 2 weddings... 1 Saturday and 1 Sunday. And I worked all day saturday working with the David's bridal brides on their skin care and makeup. My feet were practically numb by the end of the day so I'm going to have to try to sit a lot more on my long Saturdays. Then on the way home Abe called to say that his car had broken down at the wedding he was at which happens to be 2 1/2 hrs away so he had to have a tow truck come get him at 1am in the morning and he didn't get home until about 3:15ish. Then he had to get up the next morning and go to DJ another wedding and had accumulated a cold along the way.
I'm in awe of him because he works so hard but never complains. As my mom-in-love Maryellen says, his daddy mode is already kicking in and I know that's true. The 2 of us are doing whatever we have to do to make sure she's given the world. While he was gone Sunday, I tried to do what little housework I'm still able to do so that he didn't have to worry about any of those things. When you can't use chemicals or lift anything heavy that sort of limits the house work but it's the thought that counts right?
Anyways, much more to talk about next time. And excuse the very visible stretch marks in my bare belly pic. Unfortunately I haven't been lucky enough to avoid the stretchmarks. Hopefully they'll go away once she's here. A girl can dream!
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