I never imagined we'd make it this far. As I'm writing this, I'm 39 weeks and 3 days. My actual due date is this Sunday. We all thought for sure this little girl was going to be an early bird and come weeks ahead of schedule. Now I'm just hoping she doesn't hang in there past my due date. I've been having a lot of cramping which apparently means stuff is happening but at my appt. last week I was 1 cm dilated and at my appt. yesterday I was still only 1 cm dilated! Frustrating, but I know it doesn't mean much. I could go from 1 to labor in a matter of hours so I'm trying not to think about it.
I think the midwife can see I'm anxious to get this baby out so she suggested at my appt. yesterday that she strip my membranes to hopefully get things going. I've heard of this before but didn't know what it is. Ummm... it's very painful is what it is. As Abe put it after he saw my face while she did it "epidural here we come!" She said I'll have some cramping the rest of the day, which I did, it was pretty difficult to walk, but then I woke up this morning and am feeling better. It sounds weird to complain about feeling better, but I was hoping I'd wake up with contractions.... oh well. This little girl has already made it clear to me that she has her own agenda. While she appreciates my opinions, she's in charge here and will be exiting when she's ready.
Maybe we'll have a Thanksgiving baby! So much to be thankful for this year. I've never truly felt this kind of gratitude and I don't think anything can compare to it. She's a blessing to us both and will be to the world. Can't wait to meet you Farrah Lynn! As this will hopefully be my last post while pregnant, I've finally included some pics of the nursery for your enjoyment!
You still look wonderful...good luck! I just love the butterflies over the crib.