Worse than the lack of sleep, back pains, difficulty moving around and the feeling huge combined is the waiting. Just sitting around waiting for this little one to arrive has been the hardest part. I've had all the signs and symptoms of labor, just no labor. Every pain I feel I think "is this it?" and every morning I wake up thinking today could be the day and end up going to bed dissapointed that nothing has happened. I'm sure Abe's getting anxious too since he had all last week off for the Thanksgiving holiday and has just been here helping around the house and waiting with me.
Farrah will officially be a December baby. I thought for sure there's no way that would ever happen. I never thought of myself as a control freak but this is the ultimate test. I have no control and keep reminding myself that God is in control, not me, not Abe, not the Dr., and not even Farrah. I have a dr.'s appt. this afternoon and hope that we'll either have some great progress or can talk about induction. Farrah has been a big baby all along and I don't want to wait to much longer and have her be so big that it's risky and/or we have to have a c-section.
One of this week's pictures is of Abe holding a bball he bought for Farrah that says "Baby's 1st Basketball." I reminded him, however, that Grandma Maryellen already got Farrah a glow in the dark pink bball. He said we'll leave it up to Farrah to decide. Just know I have your back
g-ma! ;)
I'd like to say this is my last post as a preggo but I don't want to jinx it like I did last time so I'll just say I can't wait to share the good news when it's time.
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