Sorry for the delay in posting the details but I've been a little occupied with a newborn ;) Here's how it went down:
Farrah Lynn was born Thursday 12/3 at 3:25 pm weighing 8 lbs. 4 oz and 21 inches long. I had a dr.'s appt. that Tues. and she stripped my membranes again to try to get things going. Later that evening I started having contractions. They got pretty intense and were consistently 4-5 minutes apart so we headed to the hospital. They checked me and I was only 2 cm so they told me to walk around the hospital for 2 hours and come back and they'd check me again. So I did and the contractions increased to about 3 mins apart and were even more intense. After 2 hours of that I returned and to my surprise was still only 2 cm. So they recommended to give me a shot of morphine to help me sleep and sent me home.
The morphine was great because I thought there was absolutely no way I could sleep through those contractions but I was able to get 6 hours of sleep and didn't feel the contractions. The next morning the contractions had decreased which I was told could happen with the morphine. They were inconsistent and not as frequent so I didn't think it would be happening that day. As soon as I went to bed Wednesday night they picked up again. Once they got to 5 minutes apart we headed back to the hospital and I was 3 cm so they admitted me. A few hours after I got my epidural (which was fabulous!) and I was able to get some rest. The one thing about the epidural was I thought I wouldn't be able to feel anything but I was wrong. About 3 hours before I started pushing I started to feel the contractions again (not super strong but I felt them.) and insane pressure. It felt like it was time to push but they kept saying I wasn't ready.... another half hour.... 3 hours later I was ready to kill someone! Finally it was time to push. Sometime in that period I spiked a fever of 101.8. Apparently there's a cutoff of 101.5 for the baby to have to go to the NICU so I was told they would have to take the baby right away. I had here out with 45 minutes of pushing and she seemed perfectly healthy so they let me hold her for a while. She stayed in the hospital until the Sunday night after delivery running tests and giving her antibiotics. She was finally able to come home. She is absolutely perfect and we're in love. Here are some pics from the hospital and coming home from the hospital.
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