Well technically 2 1/2 weeks old today! She's changing so much. Her face is looking more like a baby face and less like a newborn face. She's making noises and making funny expressions. I now know why everyone says it goes by so fast... and we're only 2 weeks in!
To catch you all up, she had a visit from her Auntie Janett which was lots of fun, and for Christmas she'll have some more visitors... Auntie Janett and Uncle John, and for the first time she'll be meeting Grandma Maryellen. I can't wait for that!
I'm not one to keep my baby locked up inside just because she's new here so we've had a few trips already. Of course, several doctor's appts., 2 trips to target, the bank, a Xmas get together at Grandma Kelly's, Xmas cookies with the Grcina's and yesterday we went to a Xmas lunch at a restaurant with my mom's side of the family. I know she's still a newborn so that's why I bring my hand sanitizer, but I don't see any reason why I should keep her (and myself) locked up in this house for months.
We've been going to see a lactation consultant at the baby wellness center at Kaiser. Normally they schedule one or two appts. with you but we've now had about 5 and we have 1 more tomorrow. For some reason Farrah hasn't been gaining weight. She lost weight after birth, like most normal babies do, but she got down to 7 lbs. 8.5 oz (from her birth weight of 8 lbs. 4 oz.) and hasn't gained it back. So they keep giving me ideas and scheduling more appts. for weight checks. So now I've been breast feeding, then I give her a bottle of pumped milk, and then I give her some formula to top her off. Add a diaper change or two in there and then it's time to start it all over again. But I think it's working. I've had a lot more milk come in and she's been eating like there's no tomorrow. She looks chunkier too so I know tomorrow at the appt. she will have gained weight. One of the things they noticed at the last appt. was that she has a tongue tie which is why they thought she might have a hard time latching on and therefore not gaining enough weight. It's where the flap of skin that attaches the tongue to the bottom of your mouth is too far forward so you can't stick your tongue out very far. So they sent us to see a head and neck specialist because they can cut it to fix the problem. Of course I freak out because I don't want a pair of scissors anywhere near my child but the dr. took a look and said it's not severe and that he didn't think she needed the procedure done. Talk about a sigh of relief. I see her stick her tongue out all the time so I didn't think it was a problem.
Here are some pictures from the past 2 weeks. We are so in love with her and I could stare at her all day. Merry Christmas everyone!