From about 1 week out, Farrah was sleeping at least 5 hours straight at night and then we'd have a feeding and then she'd go back to sleep for another 3 hours. I wasn't surprised she was such a good sleeper... I mean... come on look at her mom! I'm known for sleeping anytime anywhere! But the past couple of weeks she's had a hard time. Once she falls asleep, she's great. She'll sleep for up to 7 hrs. and then wake up for a feeding and then fall back asleep for another 2-3 hours. But the problem is, we can't get her to fall asleep at a decent hour. We start her last feeding at about 8pm and then try putting her down around 10pm. Even if she's already asleep when we put her in her basinet, as soon as we lay her down in there, she starts crying. We try to let her cry for a little bit in case she's just self soothing and will go to sleep on her own but it never happens, we'll get up rock her for a little bit, then try again but she starts crying again. We do this pattern multiple times and it seems like every night she finally falls asleep around 1pm. That's not good for her, or for us.
So last night we decided to try something new. We were going to start her in her crib in her own room anyways, so we decided to try the crib. She usually takes a nap around 5pm so we thought instead we'd try to keep her awake until about 7pm then put her down in her crib. I knew she'd probably only sleep a couple hours then wake up, then we'd feed her and put her down again for the rest of the night. But she had a different plan. She fell asleep as planned around 7:30pm (not quite on time but it worked.) She slept for about 2 hrs. She woke up and we gave her one last feeding and went to put her back down for the rest of the night. I could tell she was tired but she reverted back to the crying as soon as we put her in her crib. It was a "I'm so tired but I can't sleep" cry. I tried putting the pacifier in, but she usually ends up dropping it and then cries so I put it back in and she drops it again and this goes on and on. I tried everything possible to get her to go to sleep but nothing worked. Finally around 12:45 I woke up Abe and he said he'd try for a while and I fell asleep. Poor guy had to be at work by 6:45am the next morning but he tried for a bit unsuccessfully. Finally around 2:30 he brought her in and set her in her basinet. She finally fell asleep around 2:45. I think at this point she was so exhausted that she fell asleep... I don't think it had anything to do with her "love" for the basinet.
I know it will take time to get her on this routine so we're trying it again tonight. She's in her crib now and fell asleep for her first leg of sleep. Hopefully things will go smoothly the rest of the night. We're supposed to be over these sleep issues by now!
In other news, I have my follow up appt. tomorrow with my midwife. She'll finally get to meet Farrah (she did my pre-natal appts. but she didn't deliver her.) She'll also check me out and make sure I healed ok especially the stitches. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all.
Pray for us that we get this little girl on a good sleep schedule!