January 3rd marked exactly one month since our little angel came into this world. It sounds cliche but it's hard to remember what it was like without her here. She's getting so big as I'm sure you can see by the pictures. This lucky lady has had many visitors including her Grandma, Grandpa, 2 uncles and an aunt from her dad's side who have all traveled very far to meet her. She did not dissapoint and greeted almost all of them by pooping on them while they were holding her. That's my girl! She's pretty much sleeping through the night... anywhere from 5-7 hours straight. The only hard part is getting her to bed. She could be totally asleep in our arms and we'll lay her down in her bassinet ever so gently but as soon as she's down she wakes up and starts crying. Hopefully we'll figure out how to overcome that one and not create bad habits. That's something I worry about. Being first time parents, we don't know what is "ok" to do and I don't want to create a bad habit that will be hard to break later on. As my mother-in-love ;) says, just go with your instinct, you know what's best for you baby.
I can't believe it's 2010. Where did the past 10 years go? It makes me realize how quickly this little girl is going to grow up. I laid her down in her pack n' play yesterday and we usually lay her the short way, not the long way and I noticed her head was a little close to the end so I tried to scoot her down but I quickly realized her feet were practically touching the other end. She's grown so much that we're going to have to start laying her the long way. It's one of those things that only a parent would think about or care about but both Abe and I couldn't believe it.
Abe goes back to work starting tomorrow. He'll be subbing at his old job and also substitute teaching until he hopefully can land a long term sub position, or if not, he can work at his old job and apply for teaching positions for next fall. Considering how much work the feedings have been, I thought I would be nervous to be on my own with her all day 5 days a week, but I'm surprisingly feeling calm about it... maybe even excited to have mommy-daughter days. However, ask me that tomorrow at 5:30 when he gets home and I'm practically throwing her at him and running upstairs to take a hot bath and things might be a little different ;) Happy New Year everyone!
PS sorry for the massive amount of pics but it was hard enough to narrow it down to just these so bear with me. And in the one where Uncle Vartan's laughing... she had just majorly pooped on him as you can probably tell by her facial expression.
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