By now you would think changing diapers would be a pretty simple endeavour. However this evening a diaper change gone awry caused me to make two postings in one day so you know it's good. Abe went upstairs to get her bath ready while I was downstairs holding her. I carried her upstairs after a few minutes to take off her clothes and diaper and pass her to Abe to give her a bath. The thought crossed my head that maybe I shouldn't take her diaper off until the very last seconde before I passed her over but I thought I could get away with taking it off, throwing it away and then passing her off. I was wrong. I turn to throw the diaper in the diaper genie, turn back around to see her laying on her changing table peeing all over herself. Being the fabulous mommy that I am, I just start laughing. I know I should immediately spring in to action but I had to laugh.
Then daddy comes over, gives her a bath while I clean up the mess (lucky me!) After she's all clean and her changing tables all clean (approx. 5 minutes after the original mishap) I lay her hooded towel on her changing table, set her on top to dry her off and put her PJ's on. About 10 seconds in I see it happen again. This time she pees all over herself, her clean towel, and the changing table...... Back in the bath she goes. The following picture was taken after all was said and done and she'd been cleaned and dressed for bed. She was making all sorts of cute noises. I guess she was trying to be super cute to make up for a wild night of peeing all over. She's cute and she knows it!
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