Yesterday, 2/3, Farrah turned 2 months old! Doesn't sound like a big deal but to me, and her daddy, it's a huge deal. I can't believe 2 months ago she came into this world. 2 months ago our lives were forever changed. I can't believe there was a time when she wasn't here, dictating how every second of our days would be spent. You don't realize how much free time you really have until you have a baby. At this point I don't really consider her a newborn. She's been sleeping through the night for a while now (lucky us!) She's truly the perfect baby and I know a lot of people say that but we have been truly blessed. It makes me tear up just thinking about her and how lucky we are to have her in our lives.
2 days ago she had her 2 month check up. Luckily we got a much better pediatrician... Dr. Lucky! hehe. She was very energetic, not so cold and clinical like the last lady. I feel really good about her. Then it came time for the dreaded first shots. I had prepared myself for the fact that she was probably going to scream and cry so I handled that ok. What I wasn't prepared for because no one told me was that for the next 24 hours she would still be uncomfortable and crying. I'm not complaining on my behalf, I just hated seeing her in pain and there was nothing I could do. As a mom it really pulls at your heart strings when you here the "I'm in pain" cry. Not fun at all. I kept telling myself... this is bad but polio or hepatitis are much worse, so it's for her own good!
She weighed 11 lbs. 14 oz which is in the 80th percentile... go girl! Then they measured her at
22 1/2 inches which I thought wasn't right because she seemed so long. Then when we took her in the other room for her injections, the nurse commented on how long she is and I said they only measured her at 22 1/2 inches. She couldn't believe that so she got out a measuring and sure enough, she's 23 1/2 inches. So they updated her records. Not sure what percentile her new measurement is but the original 22 1/2 inch measurement would have put her at the 60th percentile. I can't believe how much she's grown.
I took her 2 month pictures yesterday. If you remember from a previous post, I accidentally ordered the boy stickers for the onesies instead of the girl stickers so I put a bow in her hair so she looks a little more girly, but the bow is brown and blends into her hair so yes... it is a girl not a boy! Happy Birthday Farrah!
ps she looks so much like her daddy in these pics it's ridiculous. Especially when you compare them to his baby pics. Lucky lady!
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