Sorry for the delay in posting. Things have been crazy as I'll explain. It occurred to me that some of you might actually care what is happening in the lives of Farrah's parents and not just Farrah. As excited as you all are to hear about her weight gain, sleeping schedule, frequency of poops, etc. I thought I'd take a post to update you on Krista and Abe.
I'll start with Abe. Abe finished up his grad school (Congrats babe!) and now has his Master's in Education and can begin teaching. One problem is, the State of California is knee deep... more like shoulder deep at this point... in debt and teachers are being laid off, not hired. He was student teaching for 3 months (unpaid) right around the time Farrah was born. Not the best timing but we made it work thanks to our amazingly supportive family. Now he's been substituting, and also picking up shifts at his old job working with adults with developmental disabilities whenever they need someone to fill in. Most days he doesn't know if he'll be working until 6am that morning when he gets a call from subfinder needing someone to fill in for a sick teacher. Even though it's not ideal he never complains and he always keeps a positive attitude. I know that's the reason why I never have to worry about us parting ways because when things are tough we turn to each other instead of turning on each other. I'm sure many of you want to vomit after that comment but it's true. He's also DJing sometimes on the weekend however it's not really the height of wedding season so it will pick up again in a couple of months.
Now me. As many of you know since college I've been a Mary Kay consultant. I've always had a pretty nice business with many clients who would consistently order from me. I work with the David's Bridal brides and also do one on one appts. or parties. I took some time off for a few months when Farrah was born but I'm just starting to get back to work. I wasn't sure how I would feel after having Farrah, if I would want to go back full force or just be content making a few extra $, but Farrah has been the most motivating factor in my life thus far. I've never been so motivated to get out of bed and get to work. I know I'm doing it for her and it makes my efforts so worth it.
Right now I'm working on winning the 2010 Chevy Malibu. Here's why: I officially own the ghettoist (eloquence from a literature major) car in the state of California. Well I guess I'm being a little dramatic but it's pretty bad. I truly believe these things keep happening, one after the other, because God is trying to give me a nudge and let me know it's time to win that car. Within the past year I have had the following things happen to Gloria Gold: (Gloria has been her name since I got her when I was 15! Yes this is my first car and only car. She's a 96' Honda Accord.)
Inside the driver's side door by the handle, the plastic piece in the door that surrounds the handle cracked and broke apart so the door handle hangs down and for the longest time I didn't know how to work it so I would just roll down the window every time I had to get out and open the door from the outside. It took me a few times before I even realized I could do that so imagine a pregnant woman climbing over the center console to the passenger side to get out of her car every time she had to get out. Not the most lady like endeavour. Later I found out there was a system to it where if you hold the handle against the door just right and gently pull it will open. (When you need explanations for parts of your car it's time for a new one.) Then, I got a flat tire on the way home from a trip to LA and had to replace all the tires because apparently the place that I paid to fix the alignment didn't do so and they were totally bald in random places. Then the leaking started. Still haven't got that fixed. I'm afraid to find out how much that's going to cost. Every time I go into oil changers they say "ummm do you know your car is majorly leaking?" and I play dumb... "no way! really? that sucks!" Then a couple weeks ago I came out to my car to notice a huge crack in the windshield. Got that replaced. And the icing on the cake happened a few days ago. This was God going from a nudge to a full on shove. I came out to my car. I swore I unlocked the car on the passenger side before I opened the back passenger door to put Farrah in her car seat but now it seems maybe the door was already unlocked. I get her in and go around to the other side to get in myself. I notice napkins on the floor by the pedals.... that's weird... I keep those in the center console. I know those weren't there last time I was in the car. I reach into the compartment in my door to grab my CD player face and it's not there. I always put it there. I call Abe. "Were you in my car?".... "Ummm no, why?" he replies. "My CD player is gone." "Check to see if anything else is missing. I check. All told here's what was stolen: My CD player, my Calvin Klein prescription glasses, my GPS, my phone charger, my Mary Kay CD's (someone thief is driving around and getting really motivated right about now) and some hand sanitizer (a very clean thief too.)
That concludes my car woes. Back to the subject at hand. We have been so busy because we've been working so hard. I am going to win that car. I deserve it, my husband deserves it and of course, my baby girl deserves it. So keep your eye out for some sharp women who want something more because I'm building one of the fastest growing teams in all of Mary Kay and I'm looking for some sharp women who want to run with me!
"If you pay now, you can play later, but if you play now you'll have to pay later." John C. Maxwell
ps the pictures this week are of Farrah with her parents. The one with her daddy was her first superbowl which is why she's rockin the 49ers onesie... holla!
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