It was brought to my attention by my darling hubby that my post yesterday came across as though I was frustrated... ummm.. yeah... I was! As I was typing I had listened to my baby cry for about 20 minutes. When I finished writing it, I didn't quite remember what I wrote which is never a good sign. I read it back and I do apologize for my blunt, uninteresting banter but hey, it happens.
She did end up falling asleep for that nap and slept for a hour and a half. First success. My second success came last night with her bedtime. I have to admit I was dreading it because I knew it was going to be a battle like the night before. I put her in her crib, she started to cry. I let her cry for 3 minutes like I'm "supposed to." I went in and rubbed her belly and let her know I was there and she'd be ok. I left for the aloted 5 minutes and went to wash my face and get ready for bed intending to come back after the 5 minutes to reassure her again. About a minute and a half in, silence. This must be a fluke, right? I poked my head in and she was asleep. I went downstairs with the baby monitor on to watch the rest of American Idol (which by the way, I'm unimpressed with the contestants this year.) fully intending to have to go back upstairs to tend to her. That never happened. She slept from 8:45 until 7:30 this morning. I was shocked.
Now today I tried again for her morning nap. It took about 20 minutes this time but she fell asleep. About 2 minutes ago (10 minutes into this nap) she had an outburst for about 20 seconds but quieted down again. We'll see. Pretty soon mommy might actually be able to get things done around the house and do some work during the day! What a concept!
This pic is from yesterday's nap when she woke up nice and happy and well-rested. The other pic is Farrah and our dog Jimmy Choo. He wanted to be in the pic and he loves Farrah.
I'm so glad it's going well! I can't fight his naps yet. He'll literally cry for an hour if I would let him. But he is getting better at night!