Monday, February 22, 2010

One sick baby

As I sit here typing with a snot nosed baby on my lap I wonder how we've made it through these past couple of days. I know I couldn't do it without Abe. Farrah got her first cold. Lucky for us, she's eased us into the idea of caring for a sick baby by having a cold instead of anything serious. She doesn't have a fever, she's just really stuffed up and coughing. The worst part is hearing her struggle to breathe. That is one of the worst sounds I think a mom can hear. I dont' want to take my eyes off of her because I'm affraid she'll stop breathing. Just being one of those paranoid new moms. Farrah had been a champ though. She's not crying anymore than she usually does. She still smiles and laughs at all the things she normally does. I wonder if this is part of her true personality showing through. If it is, I'm so proud to know that she will have a smile even when things aren't going her way. As silly as it sounds, My 2 1/2 month old has inspired me to keep a smile when things get tough.
In other news, an update on us: Abe got some side tutoring jobs and my datebooks are packed with Mary Kay appointments. We're getting to where we want to be. It's funny to watch when one of us gets home, the other one passes Farrah off and the other one goes to work. It's like a tag team. I wouldn't have it any other way. A short-term sacrifice for a long-term gain. I'll post pics soon. Farrah's getting fussy.

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