My daughter, who is known for her lucious locks, is unfortunately balding. I know it's normal for babies to lose their hair but I was hoping hers would stay. She now has weird patches and bald spots, but might I say, she rocks it. In other news, for the past 3 months she was being patient and taking both the boob and the bottle (sorry for the lack of eloquence). Now, the bottle is her best friend and the boob is no longer an option. This means mommy has to pump even more... not my fave. It's bad enough having a low milk supply, but then to know that I don't even get to have that bonding time with her while I am giving her the breast milk is a low blow. At least she's 3 months old and not 3 days old while we're having this issue. She got a solid 3 months of nursing and supplementing. Now I'll have to settle for bonding with a bottle and being forever strapped to a breast pump.
Sleep training is going ok. Putting her down to bed for the night is much easier than her naps using the previously explained method so for her daytime naps I've been putting her in her swing when she's already a bit sleepy after a feeding. This is a big step from putting her in her swing with a bottle in her mouth until she falls asleep so I'm happy with where we're at. It's working for us.
On a side note, as many of you know, one of Abe's many jobs is a DJ, and this weekend he brought his system home from the DJ studio to practice a bit. This explains the picture of Farrah in her Baby Bjorn (side note: she decided she now likes the Baby Bjorn as long as she's facing outward and can look around) learning the ropes from her daddy. Please know that although the headphones are on her head, no music is playing through them so save your nasty comments about possible future hearing damage.... I know... we're not that dumb.
And the swimsuit is a result of a January trip to The Children's Place. I know it was January but when I saw this swimsuit and pictured Farrah with all of her cute rolls hanging out, I had to buy it. It's much funner to go swimsuit shopping for her than it is for me that's for sure.
Sorry to keep it short and sweet but as I've mentioned before I'll be busy working for the next few months. I need to earn that free Mary Kay car like no other so I apologize for the gaps between posts. However tomorrow Farrah turns 3 months! Expect 3 month pictures very soon.
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