That's me being excited by the way. I know I'm slacking on my updates but I have good reason. I've worked so hard this month towards my goals and it's paid off. I am officially on target to earn my first FREE car with Mary Kay and am officially a Sales Director-in-Qualification..... Yay! I know most of you don't know what that means but it means I'm good! ;) Things are going to be a little crazy for the next couple months but I am more than ok with that because I know that means that I get to spend the next 18+ years at home with my baby and any future babies. I'll take all the help I can get so here are some ways my family, friends, and yes, even internet strangers can help:
1. First and foremost, pray for me!
2. Words of encouragement are always welcome.
3. If you're in the market for a new mascara, or cleanser, etc, think of me!
4. If you or someone you know is looking for a way to earn extra money, needs more flexibility, or a way to be home with their babies please let me know. I'd be happy to give them some information. Because of my big goals, if you refer someone to me who becomes an active consultant in Mary Kay, I'll give you $50 in free product as a thank you!
I included some of my favorite pictures of my sweet baby Farrah this week as a reminder that she is my "why." She's why I get up in the morning and start working before she wakes up, and why I keep going when I get discouraged. She has changed my life in ways she'll never understand.
YAY KP!!! You can do it!! I'm your number one supporter! I LOVE the picture of sleeping baby and daddy...they look EXACTLY the same!!!!! I love you guys, and miss you!!!! I'm thinking of you, Pizzle. Go kick some booty!!!!