I think we might have a future nudist on our hands. She loves having her diaper changed and she loves when we change her clothes and she loves her bath time. Common theme here is naked or partially naked. She's going to be one of those kids who rips their clothes off in inapropriate places such as the mall, or a restaurant. I can just see it now... having to apologize to the Applebee's patrons for my child stripping down while they're trying to enjoy a nice family dinner. Literally the moment I set her on her changing table and undo the first of the million buttons a onesie has, a huge smile creeps on her face and she starts making this happy gurgling noise. It's so cute and hilarious but it makes me wonder why she likes it so much... kind of a weird kid I have.
So I found a dog. (Sorry for the lack of transition to a new subject.) We already have our dog Jimmy Choo and 3 kitties Jodi, Dylan, and Marley.... and of course a kid. There is now way we can take on another dog right now but I just had to stop because it was running down the middle of the street. I pulled over and opened my door and she jumped right in. She's been in our back yard ever since hanging out with Jimmy Choo. I'm pretty sure she was just dumped by someone who doesn't want her which is so sad to me. There have been several dogs on our street alone that have been dumped and are just wandering around. Who would do something like that to a family pet? I put up signs and an ad on craigslist. Next I'm going to see if she has a microchip or if anyone has reported a dog like her missing to the pound. Then I have to go through the process of finding her a home if none of that works out. Wish me luck because there's no way we can keep another dog right now.
The pictures this post are a special dedication to my dear friend Carla. My bestie has up and moved to the middle of nowhere (shout out to Arkansas!) and these outfits were from her to Farrah so we had a photo session this morning. (With the exception of the Farrah outfit) The Farrah outfit was a gift from another friend who makes awesome customized kids clothes. Check her out at http://www.tinyteesbyiris.com/
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