Although she's not looking like such a hairy little monkey anymore. I'm not sure if you can tell by the pics but she's losing a lot of hair, especially in the front, and it's growing back much lighter. It's almost got a redish tint to it in the light.
I finally broke down and bought the girly # stickers for her onesies. I couldn't stand the thought of her looking like a boy for another set of monthly birthday pictures. Of course the month 3 one looks a little boyish to me but the rest of them seem to be super girly.
As I was taking these pictures I couldn't believe the difference in her in the past month. I'm not sure how well you can tell comparing her 2 month and her one month pictures but, to me, the difference was more apparent in how sturdy she was. I set her up in the same spot as I did last time (in the rocking chair). Last time I would have to hold her and then quickly move my hand before I took the picture as she started to slide down to one side. This time I sat her up and she stayed there all by herself and held herself up so well (leaning against the back of the chair of course.) She didn't slide all over, I didn't have to hold her up at all. What I did have to do in order to get a good picture was take her hand out of her mouth a few times though. That kid is so fascinated by her hands. They're always in her mouth and when she first started doing it I thought it was because she was hungry but now I realize it has nothing to do with hunger. They are some pretty cute hands and I want to eat them up too sometimes so I don't blame her.
She is absolutely the light of my life and her smiling face makes me so happy. I feel so blessed that I get to spend as much time with her as I do.
I present to you pictures of the 2 month old Farrah Lynn vs. the 3 month old Farrah Lynn. I'd love to hear if you can see some differences!
she looks so much more like a person now, instead of just a baby. does that make sense? haha! the main difference i can see is her personality starting to show through rather than just baby pictures. i can't wait to see the precious person she become!!!