I'm pretty sure the point of tummy time is for babies to lift their heads and gain strength in their necks. My child apparently is already learning to cut corners. I hate to admit it but she takes after her mom. I put her down on her play mat for her tummy time and I look over and she's laying on her stomach, hand in her mouth, head turned to the side flat on the mat, watching TV. I watched her for about 2 minutes straight and never once did she turn her head. I couldn't believe she's trying to cheat the system at such a young age! She did it again the next day! I had to document both days with pictures for proof that if her neck is weak... hey I tried! Is it weird to say I'm almost a little proud that she's smart enough to realize that it's easier to do it how she wants so she does it her way instead of how she's "supposed to." Ok I've officially over-analyzed the situation so I will leave it at that.
Sorry for the space between posts. As the theme of the posts over the past couple months... busy! I'm so close to my work goal and I can't wait to drive Farrah around in that FREE Mary Kay car! Updates soon!
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