We survived our first road trip with baby girl. Not only did we survive, we actually were able to enjoy it because Farrah was so incredibly well behaved. I'm almost shocked. We left last Friday morning to make the 6 hour drive from the Bay Area down to LA. Not exactly a scenic route either so I was imagining 6 hours of my little girl screaming and seeing a sign that says 60 miles until the next rest stop. Fortunately on the way there, miss thing slept about 5 1/2 out of the 6 hours and on the way back with just a couple of minor hiccups, about 5 out of the 6 hours. Not too bad!
We had a great time visiting with Abe's family and friends. Most of them, with the exception of immediate family, were meeting Farrah for the first time. First baby in the family makes for one spoiled baby. If you don't believe me, you should have seen Abe trying to pack the car on the way home with all of the new stuff she got. Good thing we were able to make room for the baby. Although I'm sure her Auntie would have gladly kept her for a while ;)
What surprised me the most was that she slept in her pack n play with no problems at all. I thought she would have a hard time being that she's never really slept in it for more than an hour before and she hasn't been in the room with us for a while. She was awesome!
In other news, she's officially 4 months old now. We had to reschedule her 4 month dr's appt because it was scheduled for when we were going to be in LA so I won't have an update on her stats for another couple weeks.
Here's what I know:
If you put her bottle in front of her mouth, not quite touching her lips, she'll grab the bottle with both hands and shove it in her mouth. (She likes food... can't blame her.)
She's huge! I mean, we're talking one big baby. I was at target today and got to talking to another mom and asked her how old her baby was... 9 months! And Farrah was just as big if not bigger than her baby.
She's squealing more than ever. Usually she has her outbursts when she's watching her "Calm Baby" DVD. (If you don't know what that is and you have a baby... you need to know. It's a life saver! She loves it!). Or sometimes she starts getting all hyphy when she's on her changing table.... she like to squeal then.
I haven't quite caught her roll all the way over yet, although I've seen her turn a bit and then turn back onto her back. She uses the toys hanging from her play mat to pull herself around, though. It's just a matter of time.
She loves to grab things and go straight to her mouth. Good thing she's not mobile yet because there's way too much for her to get into.
Hope you all had a great Easter and were able to really appreciate what the day is about. How blessed we are in this house to have such wonderful family and friends.
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