**Sung to the tune of "Show stoppin" by Danity Kane (rip Danity Kane)**
So I decided to bite the bullet and head back to weight watchers. Part of me wanted to wait until I finished this busy qualification period for work but my clothes aren't fitting, I'm kind of miserable and as much as I like to deny it and say that I'm proud of what my body did and pull the "I just had a baby" card, I'm unhappy. Plus the "I just had a baby" thing is slipping away rather quickly. I don't want to be that lady whose kids are in middle school and is still saying I'm fat because I had a baby. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but I like to keep it real and I will be the first to admit that I don't eat well and haven't been exercising.
I took a picture of me and Farrah on our way out the door to the weight watchers meeting to celebrate this new journey. For those of you who don't know me too well (aka my internet stranger friends) I have struggled with my weight all of my life. Growing up I was the chubby sister and my younger sister was the tall, slender one (love ya sis!) which kind of started this fat kid complex which only perpetuated the problem. By the end of my freshman year of college I had enough and went to weight watchers. I lost 30 lbs. I unfortunately thought that meant I was done with my "diet" and could just go back to my old ways. I gained it all back and then some. I realized it's a life change and went back. I was starting to lose weight again when I found out I was pregnant. Obviously that derailed the weight loss plan. I gained about 50 lbs. during my pregnancy... there I said it.
I keep seeing all of these damn celeb magazines that have Kendra and Kourtney on the covers (both of whom had babies around the same time as me) and have lost all their weight and are back in shape. So frustrating because I couldn't be further from that. I have only lost 17 lbs since I had this baby. Now to most people losing 17 lbs is great, but when 8 1/2 of that is a baby and probably another 10lbs. or so is fluid and all the other fun things that come out of you when you give birth, I've actually gained weight. Not exactly what I thought would happen in my ideal post-baby world (not many things are.)
So as if I don't have a hard enought time getting time to post blogs, I'm going to add my weight loss journey to the long list of things I already blog about. I guess you all are going to be all up in my business, knowing about my child, my work, and now the size of my ass. Fab.
Still chugging along with work. I will be earning that free Mary Kay car by the end of next month and that couldn't come soon enough!
Farrah had her 4 month shots and she was such a champ. She cried when they gave her the 3 shots, turned her head and looked at me and immediately stopped. She didn't cry again after that and she's been fine ever since. I'm seriously in awe of this kid everyday.
That about sums up my life for now. Some pics for you to enjoy.
ps the pic with her wearing a dodgers jersey and a mini skirt is specifically for her LA family (especially nana Janice who got her a mini skirt and I've heard is a faithful blog follower... shout out!) We all know deep down Farrah will be a SF giants fan but she likes to humor her LA fam from time to time ;)
you can do it pizzle!! iw as looking at pics from freshman year and can't believe how much you lost since then...it really is possible and i know once you set your mind on it you can do it again!!! i wish i could be there for body bootcamp!!! keep us updated, cause if there is anything i love as much as your kid, you know it's your ass. love you!!!