Thursday, April 29, 2010
Quick update
Where did this month go? Wish I could update you on everything but I'm sure the suspense is killing you about my weight watchers venture. Weighed in yesterday.... (drumroll please) 2.6 lbs lost! Yay! I realize that the first week you always loose more than normal because your body is in shock that you're actually eating pretty healthy. Life updates to follow after May 1st!
Monday, April 26, 2010
My kid has good taste in TV

So one of my fave shows is "The Office." It's on all the time thanks to good ol' syndication so we record it a lot so that when we're sitting for one of Farrah's feedings for a long period of time we always have something cool to watch. I watched it a lot when I was pregnant too and did a lot of laying around... ahhh the good old days! Abe noticed the other day that Farrah is apparently a big fan of the show because everytime he starts to watch it and the theme song comes on she stops eating, pulls off of the bottle, and stares at the TV. Once it ends, she goes back to eating. I'm not sure whether this means she's smart because she recognizes the song, or that I'm corrupting my child with TV when she's way too young. Yikes! We taped it the other day so we have proof... now if I can just figure out how to transfer that to my computer so I can prove it to my internet friends.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
We're weight watchin, we're weight weight watchin

**Sung to the tune of "Show stoppin" by Danity Kane (rip Danity Kane)**
So I decided to bite the bullet and head back to weight watchers. Part of me wanted to wait until I finished this busy qualification period for work but my clothes aren't fitting, I'm kind of miserable and as much as I like to deny it and say that I'm proud of what my body did and pull the "I just had a baby" card, I'm unhappy. Plus the "I just had a baby" thing is slipping away rather quickly. I don't want to be that lady whose kids are in middle school and is still saying I'm fat because I had a baby. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but I like to keep it real and I will be the first to admit that I don't eat well and haven't been exercising.
I took a picture of me and Farrah on our way out the door to the weight watchers meeting to celebrate this new journey. For those of you who don't know me too well (aka my internet stranger friends) I have struggled with my weight all of my life. Growing up I was the chubby sister and my younger sister was the tall, slender one (love ya sis!) which kind of started this fat kid complex which only perpetuated the problem. By the end of my freshman year of college I had enough and went to weight watchers. I lost 30 lbs. I unfortunately thought that meant I was done with my "diet" and could just go back to my old ways. I gained it all back and then some. I realized it's a life change and went back. I was starting to lose weight again when I found out I was pregnant. Obviously that derailed the weight loss plan. I gained about 50 lbs. during my pregnancy... there I said it.
I keep seeing all of these damn celeb magazines that have Kendra and Kourtney on the covers (both of whom had babies around the same time as me) and have lost all their weight and are back in shape. So frustrating because I couldn't be further from that. I have only lost 17 lbs since I had this baby. Now to most people losing 17 lbs is great, but when 8 1/2 of that is a baby and probably another 10lbs. or so is fluid and all the other fun things that come out of you when you give birth, I've actually gained weight. Not exactly what I thought would happen in my ideal post-baby world (not many things are.)
So as if I don't have a hard enought time getting time to post blogs, I'm going to add my weight loss journey to the long list of things I already blog about. I guess you all are going to be all up in my business, knowing about my child, my work, and now the size of my ass. Fab.
Still chugging along with work. I will be earning that free Mary Kay car by the end of next month and that couldn't come soon enough!
Farrah had her 4 month shots and she was such a champ. She cried when they gave her the 3 shots, turned her head and looked at me and immediately stopped. She didn't cry again after that and she's been fine ever since. I'm seriously in awe of this kid everyday.
That about sums up my life for now. Some pics for you to enjoy.
ps the pic with her wearing a dodgers jersey and a mini skirt is specifically for her LA family (especially nana Janice who got her a mini skirt and I've heard is a faithful blog follower... shout out!) We all know deep down Farrah will be a SF giants fan but she likes to humor her LA fam from time to time ;)
Friday, April 16, 2010
Almost punched an old lady today... but didn't.... but kind of wish I did (long)

I'm sitting her at 7:15pm drinking a glass of wine that I was very tempted to have at 1:15 this afternoon. One of those days. It started back on Wednesday afternoon when I got a call from Mary Kay corporate congratulating me on being on target for my car and beginning my director-in-qualification period. The had a challenge for me. They wanted me to meet with 5 women by Friday at 5pm and go through the facts of the business and get their opinion. Now when someone challenges me to do something, I get it done. I realized that in order for this to happen I was going to have to bring Farrah to some of these appointments. I'll save you the suspense and let you know that yes, I did finish. And when I look back at the last 48 hours I have to say, I'm pretty dang proud of myself because of everything that could have potentially deterred me. I'll get to the part about the old lady that should have been punched.
So I had 3 of these appts. today and Farrah was going to have to tag along to each one. Appts. 1 and 2 were spread out so I thought I would run some errands in between. I was at the park with Farrah and it started to get really warm. My guess is it was about 80 degrees. Her cheeks got red so I took off her socks to hopefully cool her off a bit. I left not long after that and went to the post office. There was a long line and I contemplated leaving but I really needed to mail this package so I waited and Farrah sat patiently in her car seat. In walks old lady. Normally old ladies like to comment about babies and either say how cute they are, or give their opinions (unsolicited) so when she got in line behind me and seemed to notice the baby I thought that's what was going to happen... not so much. Before she says anything, no "hi", no "oh what a cute baby", she says "oh my gosh, she doesn't have socks on." I politely say "yes, we were just at the park and she got really warm so I took them off." I thought this would shut her up, but no. "She should really have socks on. I used to work in a hospital (my guess is this was back in 1802) and I saw sick babies all the time. She should really be wearing socks and a hat or she could get pneumonia." Really? REALLY??? Pneumonia when it's 80 degrees outside I'm sure. At this point people in the post office are starting to turn to look. Not sure if they were looking because they wanted to see who this crazy old lady was or because they wanted to check out this horrible mother who's child goes sock less. I once again told her that she was really warm hence the pink cheeks but apparently she didn't get it. I can put up with unwanted advice but what she said next threw me over the edge. I think maybe she was angry that I didn't say "oh my gosh you are so right, let me hurry up and put socks on this kid before she comes down with something," because the next thing I know she says "Oh my, I just get chills when I see poor babies like yours."
You know when you get so mad that you literally feel your heart start to race and you start to shake? I thought about what to do next. I was surrounded by all the people in line (who were all staring at me at this point to see what I was going to do I'm sure) so it's not like I could punch her and get away with it. Is it worth jail time? Debatable. So even though I wanted so badly to drop that old lady, instead I turned to her and said "She is very well taken care of thank you very much." I wish I would have told her off a little bit better but that always happens right? Looking back you wish you would have said something. I couldn't fathom the idea of standing in line with this old bat behind me for the next half hour while I waited so I left.
As if that wasn't bad enough I still had to put on my happy face and go to an appt. for work. I took a few deep breaths, smiled and went to the house where my next appt. was. She was a client of mine that for the past few years had been back and forth about starting her own Mary Kay business and never committed. A really sharp lady too that I always thought I'd love to work with. I had told her about this challenge from corporate and she agreed to meet with me to help me out. As we were about to start her son (maybe 5th grader I'd guess) informed her that something was wrong with his Cup O Noodles and opens the microwave and smoke pours out. He forgot to add water. So as the smoke and fumes fill the room I grab Farrah and walk outside. The old me would have thrown in the towel. Instead I stood on the porch with Farrah in my arms, waited for my client to open all the windows and she came to the porch and we stood there and I just went through it all right there on the porch. And, after several years of back and forth, she signed up. And I couldn't be more excited to work with her... she's going to be great. I'm so glad I didn't just go home because of some old lady who probably has a lot of saddness in her life.
Enjoy the pictures of my beautiful Farrah.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Easter and my 4 month old little monkey

We survived our first road trip with baby girl. Not only did we survive, we actually were able to enjoy it because Farrah was so incredibly well behaved. I'm almost shocked. We left last Friday morning to make the 6 hour drive from the Bay Area down to LA. Not exactly a scenic route either so I was imagining 6 hours of my little girl screaming and seeing a sign that says 60 miles until the next rest stop. Fortunately on the way there, miss thing slept about 5 1/2 out of the 6 hours and on the way back with just a couple of minor hiccups, about 5 out of the 6 hours. Not too bad!
We had a great time visiting with Abe's family and friends. Most of them, with the exception of immediate family, were meeting Farrah for the first time. First baby in the family makes for one spoiled baby. If you don't believe me, you should have seen Abe trying to pack the car on the way home with all of the new stuff she got. Good thing we were able to make room for the baby. Although I'm sure her Auntie would have gladly kept her for a while ;)
What surprised me the most was that she slept in her pack n play with no problems at all. I thought she would have a hard time being that she's never really slept in it for more than an hour before and she hasn't been in the room with us for a while. She was awesome!
In other news, she's officially 4 months old now. We had to reschedule her 4 month dr's appt because it was scheduled for when we were going to be in LA so I won't have an update on her stats for another couple weeks.
Here's what I know:
If you put her bottle in front of her mouth, not quite touching her lips, she'll grab the bottle with both hands and shove it in her mouth. (She likes food... can't blame her.)
She's huge! I mean, we're talking one big baby. I was at target today and got to talking to another mom and asked her how old her baby was... 9 months! And Farrah was just as big if not bigger than her baby.
She's squealing more than ever. Usually she has her outbursts when she's watching her "Calm Baby" DVD. (If you don't know what that is and you have a baby... you need to know. It's a life saver! She loves it!). Or sometimes she starts getting all hyphy when she's on her changing table.... she like to squeal then.
I haven't quite caught her roll all the way over yet, although I've seen her turn a bit and then turn back onto her back. She uses the toys hanging from her play mat to pull herself around, though. It's just a matter of time.
She loves to grab things and go straight to her mouth. Good thing she's not mobile yet because there's way too much for her to get into.
Hope you all had a great Easter and were able to really appreciate what the day is about. How blessed we are in this house to have such wonderful family and friends.
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