I thought she needed a little bling

Had to get a close up shot. She looks so much like her daddy to me yet a lot of people seem to think she looks like me... I'm flattered to be compared to the most beautiful person on the planet ;)

She loves chewing on her wet rags... I'm telling you if teething is your problem, a wet rag is your solution!

As you can tell her hair is getting long. It has a Justin Bieber effect that I'm trying to figure out how to tame. She rocks the bieber hair with pride!

Her dumbfounded face cracks me up every time!

I finally caught a great picture of her teeth! ::mommy does the happy dance:: It's not easy to get a picture of those suckers and I just happened to catch her toothy grin this time.

To be honest the necklace was more to entertain her so I could take a few more pictures than anything but it worked!

She makes the same face I do when I'm concentrating on something. A slight pout with the tongue sticking out ever so slightly... When I saw her do it I couldn't believe it and now she does it every time she's focusing on something. I guess she does take after her mom in some ways.

I don't care what anyone says or implies about her chubby arms and legs I love them! I love everything about them... every fold and every roll and she's healthy so why wouldn't I? I can't tell you how many times I've had to say "Nope I feed her exactly how much I'm supposed to."
8 months
I can't believe it will soon be time to start thinking about planning her 1st birthday party. I'm sure you all are tired of hearing me reminisce about way back when she was born and how I can't believe how much time has gone by... and I wish I could say I'll stop but I won't so just deal with it.
When she was first born I, of course, loved her and did all I could to make sure she was taken care of but over these past 8 months I have developed this bond, attachment, extreme love, whatever you want to label it, that I could never have imagined.
Rascal Flatts is one of my favorite bands and I was listening to their music while I was uploading her pictures and the song "Everyday" came on. I have always liked that song but as I was looking through the pictures and I heard the line "Everyday you save my life" I was overcome with emotions and began to cry here at my desk because I don't think I could ever explain to her what she does for me but I think that might be the closest I could possibly get.
Before her I never needed to be "saved" so it may sound strange to say that she "saves my life" but it's the "everyday" part that's key. Every single day she does something, looks at me a certain way, makes a noise, smiles, laughs... oh that laugh, cries, reacts, plays, that absolutely saves me. She might be saving me for that moment, that day, that week, however long it gets me by until I need to be "saved" again. How smart she is to know just when I need her.
I started this post wanting to tell you all about Farrah and how she is as an 8 month old but instead I told you about how I am now that she's an 8 month old. I hope you're able to get your Farrah fix from her pictures.
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