We've had a lot of things going on recently which is the reason for the delay in posting. I feel like that's been a reoccuring theme lately. We had a close friend get married last weekend and I did the makeup and Abe DJ'd plus we had family and friends in town (shout out to CJM!) so I feel like it's been a whirlwind of a week. To make things more complicated Farrah got sick a couple days ago. It started the night before last when she didn't seem like herself and woke up around 10 with a fever. We didn't sleep much that night. Tylenol seems to be helping the fever part but she still doesn't seem like herself. Last night was kind of scary. She went to sleep at about 7:30 and then at about 9 she woke up and started fussing. Abe went up to check on her and then started to walk back down the stairs because he was going to make her a bottle and on the way down the stairs heard her start coughing and then what sounded like choking. He sprints up the stairs so I know somethings wrong and run up after him and when I came up the stair I see him holding her and they're both covered in throw up. He said when he reached in the crib to get her she looked like she was turning blue in the face so he grabbed her, turned her over and started to pat her back and she immediately threw up. So scary. Of course then I couldn't go to sleep because I was too worried it would happen again and I wouldn't hear it so I put a blanket and a pillow on the ground next to her crib. Didn't get much sleep. She finally fell asleep around 1 and then woke up again around 4:45.
As scary as that situation was, it makes me wonder how I'm going to get through these next 18 years. There are going to be so many times that she falls down and gets hurt, or gets sick, or has these scary moments it just makes me wonder how all of you parents out there make it without going nuts! She's napping now but I've literally had the baby monitor attached to my hip the whole time with the volume on maximum.
I posted a few recent pics of Farrah, I'll post some more from the wedding and other recent festivities next time around.
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