Note: Not one of my favorite pics of me, but it's one of my favorites of us together and this is what I typically look like at the end of the day... no makeup, bun, and big clothes. I just want to eat her up sometimes she so adorable (well most of the time)
Here's a few more for you. So.Stinkin.Cute!
She is obsesssed... no really it's a problem... with purple. I have no idea why. Colors were one of the first things we taught her but we taught her all of them at the same time really. No reason she would favor one over the others. The other day we went to go visit a friend and her son who's Farrah's age. He one of those collapsable tunnels and it was red, yellow and purple. Naturally she went to the purple side. As soon as her son or her dogs would go near the purple side she would FREAK OUT. No I don't think you understand... homegirl would shriek and start shaking and get red in the face. How do you explain to someone that your kid is straight obsessed with a color. Fun stuff.
She is now insisting that she has blue eyes... mmmkay... sure they're blue. She has beautiful brown eyes like her daddy and since she's such a daddy's girl I thought if I told her she had brown eyes just like daddy she would change her tune but instead she just pointed to her eye and said "Farrah blue eye" over and over and over until I acknowledged that yes, she has blue eyes.
Speaking of eyes, when we're driving and the sun gets in her eyes she would get fussy and I would say "just a minute baby when we turn the sun will be out of your eyes." So when we turned, she started saying "buh bye eyes... buh bye eyes." I finally corrected her that her eyes weren't going away, the sun was going away. Now everytime she says "buh bye sun eyes... buh bye sun eyes." I die.
One of my favorites is when she drops something or something doesn't work she gets dramatic with her "OH noooooo!" She's the best.