Monday, February 27, 2012


I debated whether or not to write about this subject and ultimately decided I wanted to because this blog is a story of our little corner of the world and what goes on in it and if I didn't include this, I would be leaving out a huge piece of our family. I also hope it helps anyone else going through the same thing.
We were very blessed with Farrah. We got pregnant with her very quickly and it was a very easy pregnancy... as easy as pregnancy can be. So after a few months of trying for baby #2 and no success, a couple of weeks ago I "felt pregnant." If this had been my first pregnancy I would have thought nothing of it, but I felt like I remembered feeling the first time around with Farrah. Very bloated. So I waited as long as I possibly could and that Thursday morning I took a pregnancy test first thing in the morning when I woke up. 2 pink lines. Ahhh!!! So excited! So I ran over to my husband who was still asleep in bed and practically shoved the stick in his face and he stared at it with a look of "what is going on right now?" on his face. He looked for a minute, then grabbed his glasses off his nightstand and then looked some more and then smiled. It was definitely different the second time around. Anticlimatic I guess. So I made my doctor's appointment for 3 weeks later and just waited. Then a couple days later I started to feel different. I just felt like I wasn't pregnant. I don't know how to explain it. I just felt like whatever was there was gone. I tried to just put the thoughts out of my head because it seemed crazy that I could just go on feeling this early on. Then I took another pregnancy test and still 2 lines, but this time the 2nd one was fainter than before. Shouldn't it be stronger a couple days later? Still put the thoughts out of my head. Then took another test the next day. Still 2 lines, still fainter than the one before. But I knew 2 lines meant pregnant no matter how strong or faint so I tried to put those thoughts out of my head.
Then came Tuesday morning. Normally my husband has Tuesday's off but that day he was going to take a half day and go in for a few hours in the morning. He got up before I did and was getting ready when I woke up to what felt like menstrual cramps. I remember thinking, "why does it feel like I'm starting my period?" and stood up to see I was bleeding. All I could say was "Oh no!" My husband came around the corner. "What?" he asked? "I'm bleeding," I said. He just kind of stared at me and said, "Umm ok, it's ok, let's call the dr." So I called the advice nurse and she tried to make it seem fine and calm but I knew it wasn't. She told me to get over to the dr.'s office right away so we went right over. They gave me an ultrasound but said it was too early to see anything so they had me go down to the lab and take a blood test. Then came the waiting. She said she would email me with the results and then I could come back again in a week for another ultrasound to see if anything was visible a week later.
Instead I got a call from the dr. a few hours later. When I saw the number in my caller ID my heart sank because I knew they don't call you unless it's bad news. When I answered she said "I just wanted to call you to say I'm sorry." She continued on but I don't really remember much of what she said, I'll I kept thinking about was my baby that was lost. I hung up the phone and wept. My husband had been in Farrah's room putting her down for a nap and when he came in the room and saw me, he knew and he held me and let me cry for as long as I needed to. I spent the rest of the day in and out of bed, not wanting to do much of anything.
The next day I surprisingly felt much better. I've known several people that this has happened to and that it is very common, so I think that helped ease the pain, but when you get delivered that kind of news, it really doesn't matter how common it is, or how other people dealt with it and got through it, all you can do is think of your situation and your baby.
I'm doing fine now. I thank God for letting me find out so soon instead of getting much further along. I also find comfort in my faith and am so grateful for all of the blessings God has given me that I now hug Farrah a little tighter and spend more time really watching her instead of just being with her. I love seeing her expressions and what makes her happy and sad. She is a special girl and a gift to me and her daddy.
To end on a lighter note, because who wants to end a misscarriage post feeling sad....When we were in the doctor's office and I was up on the table she took out the ultrasound machine and it was an internal ultrasound.... any of you preggos out there know what I'm talking about (shivers....) Farrah was up by my head with her daddy so she couldn't see anything but after about a minute she shouted "Daddy's turn! Daddy's turn!" She just kept shouting it and we were all laughing. The Dr. said "Hmmm I've never had anyone say that before, this is a first!" Gotta love her!
Hug your babies extra tight today. They are truly a miracle.

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