Sunday, February 5, 2012

Potty Training.... well more like NOT potty training.

I'm kind of an impulsive person. When I decide I want something, I want it done yesterday. My poor husband. And so on Wednesday, I decided that since I had the whole day to do nothing but hang with my girl that I was going to deem it "potty training day." Those of you that have been through potty training probably just rolled your eyes at the concept of a "day" of potty training. I know, I know... naive newbie here.
We've had a couple of pottys (potties?... not sure how baby talk works in plural) for several months now, but up until this point it's been more of a toy to her than anything else. She sits and plays but has never really gone on it. I've bribed her with "Special stickers" but all that really has done is make her mad that she doesn't get one because she didn't go on the potty.
So my plan for Wednesday was to remove the diaper, put on her big girl Dora underwear, which she wears everyday anyways, just over her diaper, and hope she starts to figure it out. Luckily our downstairs has laminate hardwoods so clean up won't be a big deal.
The day started off promising. She didn't care she had no diaper on and of course loved her big girl "upywear" as she calls them. I put her in her high chair for a snack and when I came back over she had wet herself in her high chair and was just sitting there munching on her apples like nothing had happened. I said "Farrah let's go visit your potty." She said "No, no, no finish apple!" Did I mention homegirl is food motivated? After I got her out of her chair she freaked out when I tried to put her on her potty. I mean kicking and screaming kind of freak out. I feel like, as a mom, there are several instances a day where I think "uhhhh what am I supposed to do now?" She's never done this before and I didn't want her to be afraid of the potty so I didn't force it.
It was pretty much nap time and no way was I going to put her down for her nap without a diaper so I put her diaper on and put her down. When she woke up I took it off and took her back down to the potty and luckily she wasn't afraid. I figured she'd be sitting on the potty for a while because my plan was for her to just sit there until she went so I brought my camera just in case there was a "first potty on the potty" moment I needed to document. Instead Farrah and I just sat in the bathroom for close to 45 minutes just hanging out. She didn't get up off the potty but nothing to show for it. Except for some silly Mama/Farrah pictures.

That's Carrot Juice on her chin in case you were wondering if she has some strange birthmark.

Please excuse the hideous headband on my head. She is obsessed with headbands and wants everyone wearing one in her presence. Hence the one on my head, the one on hers, and the fistful of them in her little hands.
She has mastered her "cheese" face. Except she does it so fast my crappy camera can't catch it so what I usually get is her head turned to the side and her eyes half closed. But if you pull out a camera she will lean into you (see above) and say cheese on her own. Pretty cute if you ask me.

She wanted me to take a picture of myself so I said I was going to make a silly face.

This is what she did when I told her to make a silly face.... Ok if you say so.

Yep a balloon somehow made it into our potty time.

Model shots... what a little diva I have.

Needless to say, nothing on the potty so I put her underwear back on and we went outside to play. I told her if she felt like she was going to get wet to say "Pee pee mama" and we would run to the potty so we're outside for maybe 3 minutes and I see her pants start getting wet and she just looks down at the ground and stands there for a second not sure what to do so I scooped her up and ran toward the house to get her to her potty. As I'm running I said "Remember Farrah you're supposed to say "Pee Pee mama"" And she looks at me and says "Pee Pee Mama." Thanks kid. A little late but thanks.

Clean her up, change clothes, you know the deal. Go back outside to play and within 60 seconds I see her look down again and her pants get wet. At least this time she said it once she looked down and saw it instead of as we're running to the potty.

We topped off the day with a poop in the tub. Something she hasn't done in quite a while so that was fun. Needless to say, I don't think miss Farrah is too ready for potty training. She's still pretty young so we have time.

If you're trying this method just prepare yourself, clean up, change clothes, clean floor, rinse and repeat.

I'm proud of her for playing along with me for the day. If nothing else we got a lot of uninterrupted time together.

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