Friday, June 1, 2012

Baby #2

This pregnancy has been way different than the first one.  The first time around I never forgot I was pregnant.  It was such a big deal in my mind (I know this baby is too but you know what I mean) that I couldn't possibly forget but this time I find myself going all day without remembering that I have a wee babe inside of my belly.  I'm sure as my belly grows it will be hard for me to forget but for now I'm so busy with Farrah that baby dos seems to slip my mind.  Usually when I remember is early afternoon when I'm so tired I can't keep my eyes open.  It's really not fair that preggos who are tired aren't supposed to have caffeine.  This is when I need it most. 
I'm hoping that this pregnancy will go by much faster because it's not on my mind as much.  So far it has.  It seemed like forever to find out the sex of the baby last time and it really hasn't been that bad waiting this time.  In a little over a month we'll know if we're having another sweet girl or handsome little man.  So far most votes seem to be for team blue.  We shall see.  Farrah is girl enough for me and if I never have another girl again I know I got one of the girliest girls out there so I'm good. 
I used to watch the show Baby Story on TLC and whenever I would see moms of one child getting ready to have another child they would always get very emotional going to the hospital.  They would be worried about their first baby and how they were going to possibly handle a second baby without their first feeling left out.  I would watch with a little bit of judgement about their reactions... how silly is that?  And yet, here I am, facing the same situation and I have the same worries.  If it weren't for finances, I think we would have tried for another baby much sooner, and now I am so glad with the way things worked out.  I've been able to enjoy my time with Farrah so much.  I know many people have babies back to back and are happy with that, and I believe if that's what we had done I would have been too, but now when I look at Farrah and the fun we have together, I think about having another baby competing for my attention and I get nervous.  Mommy problems. 
I wonder what the baby will be like, how he or she will change the dynamics of our family, and how Farrah will deal with the change.  I guess I won't know until the time comes.  For now I'll continue to enjoy my time with Farrah.  6 months to go until this house gets turned upside down again. 

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