Monday, June 11, 2012


This age has been a wonderful age.  Wonderfully challenging at times and other times just wonderful.  2 1/2 has been an age that has pushed my limits, tested my patience and definitely melted my heart.  This blog serves a bigger purpose than just an outlet for me, but also to write down things that I'm sure I'll remember at the time but likely won't in 5, 10 or 15 years.  It's hard to believe I could ever forget these Farrahisms but I'm sure the day will come when all of these things are a faint memory.
So here are some more Farrahisms... 2 1/2 year old edition
-She still loves Dora, although Dora has recently taken a back seat to Max and Ruby.  Not sure what the appeal is.  There's not much educational about it either so I'm hesitant to let her watch too much of it but she thinks it's the funniest thing.  If an episode comes on that she recognizes and likes she'll say in her little, tiny voice "Oh I like that one!"
-She still loves the color purple.  Her big girl room has stripes on one wall with 2 different shades of purple and the rest of the walls are all solid purple.  Her bedding she picked out is primarily purple as well.  I've never met a kid that was drawn to one color so much, especially from such a young age. She plays a game called team umizoomi on my IPAD and when her favorite character is holding the purple balloons she gets excited.  When someone else is holding the purple ones she gets upset... that's how hard core she is about her purple.
-She comes up with the funniest phrases.  Some of the most notable are:
"No make it." When referring to eating a meal.  She doesn't want us to cook it.  She just wants it to appear.  Not sure where she thinks it's going to magically appear from, but sometimes she gets upset when she even sees us taking the pots and pans out.
"It's no big deal." She mostly uses this one when she drops food on the floor.  I think I said it one time and ever since then when she drops something she says it's no big deal because the dog will eat it. I guess she's kind of right.
"I'll be right back."  This is a newer one.  I died yesterday when I was trying to get her in her carseat and she kept leaning over the side to reach for something and she said "Hold on I get something... I be right back."  Kid cracks me up!
"It's going to be ok mommy."  Usually said with her arms wrapped around my neck.  This one always melts my heart.  If she senses I'm stressed or upset she'll walk behind me, wrap her little arms around my neck and tell me it's going to be ok.  Even from a young age she knows how to be a caring person.  I just love her.
"Foo me."  Her version of "excuse me" after she toots.  One of my personal faves.

I could go on and on about all of her little things that make her her.  She is very different from both her dad and I.  We are both pretty mellow.  Who am I kidding Abe is pretty mellow and I'm semi-mellow.... much more mellow than Farrah at least.  How 2 pseudo-mellow people created  the opposite of a mellow child I'll never know but I do often think about which of these characteristics of hers will carry over into her adult life, and I can't think of one that won't make her stronger as an adult.  She doesn't take anything from anybody, she knows what she wants and she also knows how to love.  She's a lover, that girl.  I like to think she gets so frustrated at times because she loves so hard.  If I could bottle her up at this age and hang on to it all I would.  For now the blog will do.  I'll get to work on that invention though :)

1 comment:

  1. She sounds so cute :)
    My youngest is 3 and he is obsessed with the color blue!
