Here's the low down:
The Dr.'s suggested I should expect to have another bleeding episode because it doesn't look like the placenta is moving. If I do, I'll need to stay in the hospital longer. And if I have a 3rd bleed, well, plan on staying in the hospital for the rest of the pregnancy.
Assuming the placenta doesn't move, I will have to have a scheduled C-section. This, I knew. If that happens, they will schedule it for 36-37 weeks. This I didn't know. I'm now wrapping my head around having an early November baby instead of an early December baby and 1 less month to prepare for this new arrival. When I asked why, I was told the risk to me is much higher if we wait than the small chance the baby might not have fully matured and need more time in the hospital.
Baby weighs about 2 lbs. 1 oz. which is in the 60th percentile for his gestational age. That's better than I was expecting so I'm happy about that.
As far as bed rest goes, they want me laying down as much as possible, but not confined to the bed because if I'm not moving I risk have a blood clot. So lay down as much as you can, but get up every once in a while to move around and then lay back down again.
That's pretty much it. It was nice to be reassured on some things but also scary when they mention things that can go wrong, even if the risk is low, it's just not fun to hear about hemorrhaging and all that fun stuff.
In other news, last night was Farrah's back to school night at preschool. So cute! Her teachers are just wonderful and I couldn't be happier with the place we've chosen to send our big girl a few mornings a week. She seems to be right on track which is great. The teacher did mention that she can be very soft spoken and get quiet when in a large group setting but a much different kid one-on-one. I noticed something like that but couldn't put words to it until she put it that way. It's funny because both my husband and I are the same way. A little quiet until you get to know us and then we're totally loud and talkative. Guess that's one of our traits that rubbed off on her :) My favorite thing was seeing their "self portraits." All the other kids pictures looked like they were somewhat attempting to draw a figure or had a purpose behind their painting, with 1 or 2 colors.... and then there was Farrah's. A huge blob taking up the whole page with every color imaginable. I just love her so much. She really is incredible.

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