Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Yikes... where to begin.  The past 30ish hours have been a whirlwind.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I was diagnosed with placenta previa which basically means the placenta implanted too low, and in my case is completely covering the cervix.  I was told there is a chance it might move and I'll be able to deliver normally, but if not I would need to have a c-section.  I was also told there was a possibility I would start bleeding.  Fast forward to yesterday morning.  My alarm went off, I laid in bed for a while saying my prayers like I always do, got up and walked to the shower and then I felt it.  I was bleeding.  A lot.  I yelled at my hubby who was still asleep to get up because I was bleeding.  He jumped out of bed and calmly called labor and delivery.  He had them on speaker phone and while of course I was on edge, when I heard the tone in the nurses voice I got really nervous.  She asked how far we were from the hospital and we said 5 minutes and she said ok good then you don't need an ambulance just get here as fast as you can.  An ambulance?  The notion of an ambulance is what made my nervousness spike.  So we called one of my best friends at 6:30 in the morning and asked if she could come stay at the house with Farrah while we went to the hospital.  Did I mention I have 2 of my best friends that live on my street?  God is good.
We arrived at the hospital.  They checked me out and said that the placenta was still very low and that was what was causing the bleeding.  Then they proceeded to mention that if the bleeding didn't stop, they would need to get the baby out.  Ummmm.... I'm only 26 weeks.  That can't happen.  This baby needs to cook for another 14 weeks.  So all I could do was lay there and pray the bleeding stopped.  They had me to an ultrasound to see how big baby was, wouldn't let me eat anything in case of a c-section, mentioned if they had to they would give me something that would help to mature the baby's lungs.  All things I didn't want to hear.
They kept check me and it seemed the bleeding had stopped.  But they wanted me to stay all day to monitor me.  They were in touch with high risk obgyn's at another hospital that wanted me to stay overnight, but since I live 5 mins away they were ok with me going home as long as the bleeding had subsided for at least 12 hrs.  In the meantime I still couldn't eat.  I hadn't eaten anything since 9pm the night before and when I was finally given the go ahead to go home we went straight to the nearest In-n-out and I had a cheeseburger fries and a shake because this mama was hungry!  :)
I am now on modified bed rest.  Not an easy thing for me to wrap my head around when I've got a 2 1/2 year old and a business to run but I know I can't do it all.  So me and my bed and my dvr will get to know each other very well over the next few months.  Just pray for no more bleeding!

So this mama is going to be homebound for a while but I still need to keep my business running so I'm running a Mary Kay sale!  If you do not currently have a Mary Kay consultant you are eligible for 20% off all products!  Check out my website and help support a laid up mama!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Krista, how scary that must have been! I'm so relieved to hear the bleeding has stopped. Take care of yourself and enjoy all the rest now before it's gone ;)
