Sunday, August 12, 2012

Me, Myself and I

I realize that this blog began as a way for my family and friends that don't live nearby to keep in touch with what was going on in our lives, and that the star of my blog is Miss Farrah.  However I also know there are people that read my blog that don't know us personally and might like to know who this chick is that's writing all these posts.  Here are some fun facts about myself that even people who know me may not know.
  • I am a diet soda addict.  Although, because we're on a budget, I don't buy it for the house, but when we go out, it's hard for me to resist a diet coke.  I used to drink about 3 a day.... it was bad.
  • I'm semi-claustrophobic.  Not really to the extent of breaking out into a sweat in an elevator, but more so when my personal space is being cramped.  My poor husband knows I'm ok to cuddle for a minute or two, but then I've reached my limit because I start feeling anxious with the crowded feeling.  I'm a weirdo.
  • Music was a huge part of my childhood.  I was in multiple choirs, one from the age of 6-18, and took piano lessons from the age of 6-18.  I was also in some musicals in high school.  I wish I had more to show for it.  Once I got to college, I pretty much stopped cold turkey and have lost a lot of my musical abilities.  It's really important to me that my kids learn about music because it made such an impact on my life and I want them to experience those same things.
  • I lived in Spain for a semester.  My junior year of college, my friend and I did the abroad thing.  We chose Alcala, Spain which is about 40 mins outside of Madrid because we didn't want to live with a family and this one allowed us to live in student housing.  It was one of the most defining experiences of my life.  When I left there, I could confidently say I was fluent in Spanish in a way that my 7 prior years of taking it and a Spanish minor could never really equate to.  Not only that, but I navigated Europe pretty much on my own and turned out fine :)  I was pretty darn proud of myself. 
  • When I was a little kid, I want to say maybe 4 or 5 yrs old, my parents took my sister and I to an animal place called Marine World and when we were in the petting zoo I got trampled by 2 llamas that were chasing each other bc they were in heat.  I'm still traumatized by llamas to this day.  I don't trust them.  My parents should have sued! 
  • I am not a naturally ambitious person, contrary to what people think about me being that I run my own business and am constantly setting goals for my business.  Because I'm not a naturally ambitious person, it works out perfectly for me to be in business because it forces me to be.  If I worked a clock in, clock out kind of job, I would do just that, clock in and clock out.  I know I wouldn't be living to my full potential. 
  • I don't know how people can be atheists and have kids.  I'm sorry if this offends anyone but I don't see how after experiencing the miracle of the birth of a child and watching them grow, that you don't believe that there's any higher being out there, even if you're not religious.  I just don't get it. 
  • I usually stay pretty level headed although I can be easily irritated (thanks for that dad), but when I get mad... you better watch out!  You don't want to mess with this chick when she's really mad.  
  • Summer is overrated in my opinion.  I actually am not a fan of summer at all.  Don't know why people love it so much.  Maybe it's because of the heat waves we have where we live.  We are forced to spend most of the summer in above 100 degree temps. and we don't really take summer vacations so that pretty much takes the fun out of most of summer. 
  • That being said, Fall is the best season ever!  How can you not love the crisp air, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin anything really?  I look forward to it every year and it always seems to go by way too quickly!
  • In the past, I've been quick to want to achieve whatever the next step is.  As soon as I got some place, I felt like I needed to start working on the next place.  College, engagement, buying a house, marriage, babies, etc.  I never realized I was doing that all so quickly.  All of those things I mentioned we did by the time I was 25.  I'm starting to realize it's ok to stop and enjoy where we're at.  
  • When I'm feeling frustrated and/or things aren't going the way I hoped, you can typically find me cleaning and/or organizing.  It's the thing I do to take control over something and getting in the zone helps me forget about what's frustrating me.  
  • When I'm procrastinating, you can also find me doing the same thing.... cleaning or organizing.  
  • I'm a big dreamer.  Always have been.  I never doubted that I would be successful in life.  Not in a cocky way, but I just never had any reason to think anything but great things for my future.  I'm still not quite where I want to be, but I'm well on my way.  And yet still trying to enjoy where I'm at :)
So that's me!  Take it or leave it!  Questions?  Comments?  Just ask!


  1. Nice getting to know you more! I'm a diet soda addict too. :)

  2. Thanks! Yes diet soda is definitely hard to say no to isn't it?
