Friday, June 20, 2014

Can't we all just get along?

The internet has been interesting lately.  I don't know if I'm just more aware of it, or if it's becoming more prevalent, but people seem to have a lot of extreme opinions that they would like to share with the world without regard for other people's opposing beliefs. 
As a youngin' (now that I'm almost 30 I can say that), my beliefs were on the liberal side.  A peace and love kind of girl.  Now that I've gained a few years and a few children, I've gotten a little more conservative.... a little.  However this post is not meant to be a political one.  One of the things I love most about this country is that we are all entitled to our own opinions.  And yet it seems like the internet has given people license to say hurtful things.  I guess what I'm trying to say is, why has it become necessary to bash an opposing view in order to validate our own opinions? 
I've had to force myself to stop reading all the "articles" posted on facebook because they usually set me off.  One in particular that set me off a couple weeks ago that was a sponsored ad on facebook (even worse) entitled "The 8 most outspoken (and annoying) Christian Celebrities."  I won't even link the article because I don't want to give them any foot traffic.  Again, not to bring up religion or politics, but when I saw the title of the article I was really taken aback.  Especially with some of the hot button issues with minority groups that have been in the news lately.  Why is it ok for us to single out any particular group of people and call them annoying?  Can you imagine if the article was entitled "The 8 most outspoken (and annoying) (insert minority group here)?"  There would be an uproar, people would boycott, the website would make a formal apology, we'd talk about it at the water cooler for a few days and eventually, Lindsey Lohan would do something stupid again and we'd all shift our attention to talking about what a train wreck she is. One of their targets was Martin Sheen and he was deemed "annoying" for being pro-life.  Really?  That makes someone annoying?  That's when my days of reading pointless internet articles came to a close.  I'm pretty sure my exact words were "I can't.... I just can't." 
Maybe it's the direction life has taken me, but I have no time for hateful comments towards anyone. We've become such an anti-bullying society (as we very well should) and yet as adults we make exceptions in certain situations.  Why is that? 
Another article I read a while back about the Duggar family opened my eyes to the mean spirited nature of the internet.  I was guilty of judging them myself.  20 kids may cause you to raise an eyebrow.  But what the writer pointed out was that this family has 20 very well behaved children.  Their family is self sufficient, requiring zero assistance from the government.  None of them have been arrested or done anything to make this world a worse place.  So why the hate?  Who cares if their beliefs don't line up with yours?  Shouldn't we be focusing on the people who drain society instead of the ones who have made it better? 
My intention is not to cause a political debate.  If it turns into that then you obviously missed the point of this whole post.  I'm just fortunate enough to have an outlet to blow off some steam for you all to hear :)  So since I'm on a kick of wanting to rid my brain of pointless internet articles I want to finish with something that actually matters.  Losing a child changes you as you've probably noticed from my last 8 months of blog posts.  And this week it was brought to my attention that another family (whom I've never met) put their sweet baby boy to sleep and he didn't wake up.  If you feel inclined to give as so many wonderful people did for us in our time of need, please do so on
Or give to any other legitimate cause you feel inclined to.  Life is too short to expend energy on the negativity of others.  There are much more important things going on that could really use our attention.

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