How far along? As of Sunday 32 weeks.
Total weight gain/loss:As of today 30 lbs.
How big is baby?: about 4 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes although many of those are even starting to get tight. I found the worlds best maternity pants this week (see "best moment this week.")
Stretch marks? I've lost count. Most are on the bottom of my belly and on my hips. Here's hoping they go away after she arrives.
Sleep: Ehhh... not so bad I guess. I get up every couple hours to pee. And I can't really find a comfortable position, just a tolerable one.
Best moment this week: I bought these stretchy, comfy maternity pants from Target. The brand is Liz Lange for Target and they are absolute heaven. I'm wearing them in this weeks pictures. I'd been trying to wear Abe's big pants when I'm hanging around the house and just wear them really low below my belly (gangsta style) but nothing compares to these pants. You may want to try them even if you aren't pregnant. They'd be perfect after a big meal! ;)
Movement: She has dance parties in my uterus quite often. However at the dr.'s appt. this morning they said she's now in head down position so I don't know if that will make her movements change.
Food cravings: Surprisingly cold water. I could and do drink it all day long. I've always been a big water drinker but now it's pretty insane.
Gender: girly girl.
Labor Signs: Nothing really and I'm happy with that. She needs to stay in there a bit longer.
Belly Button in or out? Innie still but it's definitely much more shallow so I might end up with an outie by the end.
What I miss: Not needing help to get up. Really good sleep. It's all worth it though.
What I am looking forward to: My shower this weekend. And getting to see my mother-in-love, and sister-in-love who are coming in from LA this weekend.
Milestones: Now that we're in October I can say "we might have a baby next month." WHOA! Her head is down, her heartbeat looks great... I just have to pinch myself sometimes. We are truly blessed!